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W:O:A Metalhead
21 Feb. 2007
i understand why u say that,your new,you dont know gnoffi

but let me tell you

beer is gnoff's biggest hobby,actually,its his work now ;)

besides that,gnoff knows more beer then you know about anything :)

Gratulerar! :p
cant wait till we meet again!

That's prolly true... but I hate the whole judging thing... my mom works in a winery ... her life is wine. Though I do enjoy when she hands me a glass :D

I just get frustrated when people talk about the "bouqet" and "earthy tones" etc... all I know is most of it is good.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
That's prolly true... but I hate the whole judging thing... my mom works in a winery ... her life is wine. Though I do enjoy when she hands me a glass :D

I just get frustrated when people talk about the "bouqet" and "earthy tones" etc... all I know is most of it is good.

It is time you came to Belgium then. Or Germany for that matter.

Beer isn't just beer, it has different varieties, just like wine. There is "pils" like (filthy) Heineken but also a good dark strong "Westvleteren".


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Thanks :)

The practical exam was four "blind tastings" where we need to write everything we wense in the beer. Also classify it in a range of 80 different beer styles and write what's god or not in regards to the style, ans last put in comments to the brewer what they should de differently in their brewing process, recepie and/or storing process to get a better beer in the particular style.

The theoretical exam was 25 questions plus 4 essay questions egarding differents things in beer, brewing and such.

It sounds really... mystical. Like your joining some ancient higher society lol. Amazing.

I'm really fucking impressed actually.


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Feb. 2007
It is time you came to Belgium then. Or Germany for that matter.

Beer isn't just beer, it has different varieties, just like wine. There is "pils" like (filthy) Heineken but also a good dark strong "Westvleteren".

I know... it's gonna kill me lol. I like Heineken btw...... do you guys ever have Canadian beer there?