Hey now, no one needs to get shot,
Quark is correct in that I managed to briefly scan the replies, but life has just been really busy, and I haven't been able to find leisure time to log-on and prepare a response. That doesn't mean I am not grateful for the fantastic insight you've all kindly divulged to me, though. I truly do appreciate it!
Wonderful; that is good to know.
After reading through all of the responses, it seems to be a popular agreement to take as little as possible, and to carry it at all times. For the latter, does that stand equally for clothing, too (both what I bring and the t-shirts I'm bound to purchase while there)? Would it be best to carry any CDs I may buy?
Wow, waking to a stranger stumbling through your tent probably gave you a start!
Oh, really? They sound like pretty neat, friendly people. I'm fairly shy, so if others take the first step to initiate conversation, it would make it a lot easier for me, hah.
Great information! Thanks!
Searching for/starting a thread is a nice option. Unless I knew them beforehand, though, I probably would be more at ease by myself.
If I am able to attend this year I too will be straight out of high school. Festivals would be an amazing, freeing adventure - I'm just not certain I can fund it with the exchange rate as it is, currently. Plus, I'd have to scour different websites for a ticket since Wacken has sold out.
I appreciate all the tips and specific answers!
Yeah, I'm sure someone entering a tent would be unlikely. It would probably be more humorous than anything else, really... though, should it ever happen, I can't guarantee s/he wouldn't get punched if I was jolted awake and disoriented from sleep.
There were lockers? Interesting, I wouldn't have expected that.
8 times-- you must be a pro at this then-- and all that has disappeared is a camping chair? No, not bad at all!
Between Germany and Italy (two countries I visited a couple years ago), I would definitely have to mutually agree that Germany feels safe. I never felt uneasy there. Italy was chaotic… the people were nice, but I instinctively held tighter to my valuables, hah.
I originally figured that there would be a large population of English speakers, but I had read something a person posted on a different website that pretty much said German would be necessary. I'm glad to see that isn't the case. (Though I still would like to improve on the language, regardless.)
Wow, I'm sorry someone ripped apart your sleeping bag.
Scream "Wacken"? Interesting… I'm very curious now! If I can work up the courage, I definitely will try it!
Ah, alright. Cat-calling is fairly harmless.
I am the type of person who would purchase a tent lock even if I had nothing inside. It never occurred to me that it could act as a hint-- so thanks for the heads up! If I decide to, though, I will use your recommendation of tucking it into the tent itself.
Rain… yes. From what I understand, it was torrential last year.
I saw people playing in the rivers of mud on Youtube, hahah.
CDs are something that I have similarly wondered about. With the advice from previous posts, I suppose it would be wise to keep the amount low and carry them in a backpack/bag.
I will certainly consider that. Thanks!
Once again, I appreciate the time you've all taken to post.
Best of wishes,
- Tuvya