fucking racists

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 fags, in a house

Originally posted by mugabe
At least it's one of the few places in the US that brew a decent beer - Anchor Steam. I've heard that you'd better not order it in the Midwest, however ;)

Ahhh, you know the Steam! Fantastic! See, we Yanks do make a decent brew when we feel like it! :D

I've never had it in the midwest...can't find it on tap for the life of me out in the east, but the bottles are still fresh and delicious. Of course, I think it's near impossible to have ANY decent beer in the midwest. :D With the distinct exception of anything made by Leinenkugels, up in Wisconsin...


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2 fags, in a house

Originally posted by Warthog
Ahhh, you know the Steam! Fantastic! See, we Yanks do make a decent brew when we feel like it! :D

I've never had it in the midwest...can't find it on tap for the life of me out in the east, but the bottles are still fresh and delicious. Of course, I think it's near impossible to have ANY decent beer in the midwest. :D With the distinct exception of anything made by Leinenkugels, up in Wisconsin...
The reason for the not-ordering-it-in-hillbilly-country is that the rednecks will instantly assume you're gay and deal with you accordingly, which might or might not be a good thing, depending on your preferences.