Forum T-Shirts, order now!!!

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
"Zolang de motor loopt, zolang de motor loopt"
(yeah, I know, is dutch but it's a quote, which means something like: as long as the engine is running, and it comes from a song)
I've had a talk to the other 2 "participants" in this matter, and the outcome was, the deadline will be moved to 1 May 2019 !!!

Meaning, you have ONE month (mwa, bit more) to eventually preorder! 50 shirts are needed, we have made it.
After that, the DEFINITVE desings will be made, transfered and the T-shirts will be printed!
Normally we should have them in June, July, but at least BEFORE the forum meeting in Wacken!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Preorders are possible in 2 ways.
Either through this link:
or here! I'll transfer it onto my original list in the German board.
Price will be around €19.99 plus P&P. (and if you want to avoid expensive P&P, AND you are going to be in Wacken, I'll be happy to order, but I will need the money asap! You can pick it up in Wacken. I'll give you my cell phone number if asked by it through PM!)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Deadline day.

It is no longer possible to have your own name on the T-shirt. However, if you still would like one, this is possible. But now it's time to make the design.
Once we have all information about the sale, I will let you know how.

@smf4ever: since you preordered one, I'll keep you posted. Most will however take place in the German part.
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Reaktionen: smf4ever


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Extra update: There will be NO girlies!!! The printing on girlies requires a different print, which is significantly smaller than a male shirt. For example, there is a huge difference between a girly XS and a male XXL!
If you still want one, just let me know by PM! It won't (except for smf4ever) carry your name on it!
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