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W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Juli 2002
Deventer, the Netherlands
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well..I guess we're more openminded here in Western Europe towards metalheads..but in the more conservative and religieus parts of the US the situation is quite similair to your's Death. In my country people tend to regard metalheads as lunatics because we like to wear black cloathing, but the goverment is a relaxed attitude towards us because they know metalheads are friendly and social people. I had to convince my mom that the image and the music may look agressive but the metalheads themselves are real friendly people :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
There are stories in the news all the time about school principals trying to ban certain bands' shirts from the school (Slipknot, Cradle of Filth, and Marilyn Manson come to mind...) because those bands "promote unhealthy ideals" or some such bullshit. Usually those schools are out in some backwater part of Kansas or Missouri...the same schools where the parents insist that they teach the "God created everything in seven days" theory in addition to evolution theory. So you know how the rest of us feel about those people. :D

Oh well, I'd support a ban on Slipknot and Manson shirts though...if only because they suck!


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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I didn't said that there is god,but still I can make fun of christians :) My opinion is that you can be god for yourself cause strong people don't need to belive in nothing but themselves. Just weak people need to have somebody "above them" so they find out god to feel that somebody is above them.They just lie to themselves,nothing more,nothing less.Problem of religion is that there are billions of weak people.