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Hey everyone, looking forward to attending my first WOA this summer from Canada. This will be my wife and I’s first trip over seas and I was hoping I could get a few pointers from seasoned Wacken attendees.
Hey everyone, looking forward to attending my first WOA this summer from Canada. This will be my wife and I’s first trip over seas and I was hoping I could get a few pointers from seasoned Wacken attendees.
Hello! That’s awesome. Although my wife is traveling with me, she is not coming along to the festival. So my biggest concern is methods of communication? Is it better to just suck it up and pay roaming fees with my cell phone carrier? Or is it possible to get a German SIM card? Or would it be best to purchase a throw away phone for use there?
Hello! That’s awesome. Although my wife is traveling with me, she is not coming along to the festival. So my biggest concern is methods of communication? Is it better to just suck it up and pay roaming fees with my cell phone carrier? Or is it possible to get a German SIM card? Or would it be best to purchase a throw away phone for use there?
Depends on your phone carrier, and if you own the phone yet.... Me personally.. I just manned up and got my and my girl international plans.. and just.. used it only as needed....
Hello! That’s awesome. Although my wife is traveling with me, she is not coming along to the festival. So my biggest concern is methods of communication? Is it better to just suck it up and pay roaming fees with my cell phone carrier? Or is it possible to get a German SIM card? Or would it be best to purchase a throw away phone for use there?
About roaming, it is possible to purchase a German sim card, but some providers might limit the possibility! That's to say, only sell cards to RESIDENTS of Germany!
Your cell phone must be open to EU sim cards! Some American (continent) phones do not allow EU cards.