Festival "sold out" - implications?

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W:O:A Metalhead
Do you happen to know the concept of sarcasm? Or was it just a reasonable place to put some culture criticism? ;)

No, well... bit of both actually mate. I heard my host family talking about Christmas already and that the Christmas gluttony begins in September. SEPTEMBER!

That's just fucking crazy.... But then again, so is Christmas in New Zealand - It's during Summer!

Sam Przyborowski

W:O:A Metalhead
2 Apr. 2005
There are approximately 10,000,000 Belgians in Belgium (and some outside of course).
6,000,000 speak Flemish or Dutch, whatever you like, 4,000,000 speak French, and a small group of ± 70,000 to 80,000 speak German.

There are 4 linguisitc regions, Flanders (Dutch speaking), the French community (French), the German community (German) and the Bilingual Community of Brussels (both French and Dutch)

WIth the exeption of the German speaking and people in the Brussels community, both "big" linguistic groups are childish and nationalistic when it concerns their language in their "territory".

A complicated story.

I give up trying to talk either vary basic German or French at Graspop and thought it was easier just to talk in English..


W:O:A Metalmaster
20 März 2004
Website besuchen
Buy a chainsaw, cut the tree, and then put it into your car. If you have an open fire, it's good to make a fire with it.

That's the ONLY thing X-mas trees are good for anyways.

Just my "kwartje".

:D That way it would really make sense to take the tree along, so forgive me, if I don't follow your idea. ;)

But as the christmas tree is a heathen symbol, I really don't mind it. Well, except for the needles of course!

Hmm, I don't have any gifts for this year's christmas yet! :eek::(:D


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
"Auf Grund der jetzt schon langen Warteliste für eventuell wieder frei werdende W:O:A Tickets 2007, müssen wir diese ab sofort schliessen, da die weitere Aussicht auf das Erlangen eines Tickets mittlerweile nicht mehr gegeben ist.

Metalheads die sich heute bis 15.30 h bei Metaltix.com registriert haben - bekommen auch ihr Ticket!"

So, basically, everyone who couldn't buy a ticket because the festival was sold out gets to buy a ticket. My bet is that it will still be possible to buy tickets on location. Obviously money's a hard thing to turn down.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
"Auf Grund der jetzt schon langen Warteliste für eventuell wieder frei werdende W:O:A Tickets 2007, müssen wir diese ab sofort schliessen, da die weitere Aussicht auf das Erlangen eines Tickets mittlerweile nicht mehr gegeben ist.

Metalheads die sich heute bis 15.30 h bei Metaltix.com registriert haben - bekommen auch ihr Ticket!"

So, basically, everyone who couldn't buy a ticket because the festival was sold out gets to buy a ticket. My bet is that it will still be possible to buy tickets on location. Obviously money's a hard thing to turn down.

I think you are right...