FASTER:HARDER:LONGER - Access Pass & Sunday Arrival

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8 Aug. 2023
Hi guys, i need some more information about this Access Pass. For me this is the first time that i will go to woa, and the last informations that i have found was that i could have arrived everyday by car to the parking lot for free, without any pass or similar thing. This year i see that is was introduced this Access Pass and i don't understand how i have to use it. In my case i will arrive by car every day (31.7 - 1.8 - 2.8 - 3.8) of the ferstival, and at the evening i will go to hotel, not in wacken but in an another city. For this reason i will arrive by car in the morning and i will left in the evening.
In my condition how can i do with Access Pass?
Another question: in my conditions I have to do it also the Sunday pass?

I hope that someone can answer to all my question.

Thansk in advance.

Gheddo from Italy!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hi guys, i need some more information about this Access Pass. For me this is the first time that i will go to woa, and the last informations that i have found was that i could have arrived everyday by car to the parking lot for free, without any pass or similar thing. This year i see that is was introduced this Access Pass and i don't understand how i have to use it. In my case i will arrive by car every day (31.7 - 1.8 - 2.8 - 3.8) of the ferstival, and at the evening i will go to hotel, not in wacken but in an another city. For this reason i will arrive by car in the morning and i will left in the evening.
In my condition how can i do with Access Pass?
Another question: in my conditions I have to do it also the Sunday pass?

I hope that someone can answer to all my question.

Thansk in advance.

Gheddo from Italy!
Non hai bisogno niente!

Same procedure as every year