European Championships

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W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
@ Lucretia: I just gave my voting!! Three times a "10" ;)

@Lutherbock: Of course we all remember Dieter Eilts. AS you might know, I live in Germany and since I´m 16 and still living in Buenos Aires I´m Werder Bremen Fan. They are the current champions in Germany. We should bring not only Dieter Eilts back, but also Marco Bode!! They were great!!

@ Ditto: 3 crates of Beer if Greece against Denmark in the final match?? hahahah Sound interesting but I don´t think that will happen.

Thank you very much Mr. Beckham! What a nice shot! What happened to your player Carpathian_Wolf? I was very sad yesterday night, really!! You can believe me that!! :D :D :D :D

I told you that one of the portuguese players would break Rooneys legs... and what happened?? He didn´t break his legs, but he was really close to it!!! Of course, they didn´t break Beckhams legs because we all needed him for the penalties shootout. We all knew he would miss his shot. Thanks again Mr. Beckham.... go, go back and crying to our island.... :D :D :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
eng-er-land lost!! :D

i want the smaller teams to win!

coem on greece!


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Lordwalter
@ Ditto: 3 crates of Beer if Greece against Denmark in the final match?? hahahah Sound interesting but I don´t think that will happen.

Thank you very much Mr. Beckham! What a nice shot! What happened to your player Carpathian_Wolf? I was very sad yesterday night, really!! You can believe me that!! :D :D :D :D

I told you that one of the portuguese players would break Rooneys legs... and what happened?? He didn´t break his legs, but he was really close to it!!! Of course, they didn´t break Beckhams legs because we all needed him for the penalties shootout. We all knew he would miss his shot. Thanks again Mr. Beckham.... go, go back and crying to our island.... :D :D :D

hahaha yeah! lets just hope :D

damn! i missed the match...i was at a gig....exodus singin, Zetro, told us the score :p.

hahahhaha roooooooney :p