Equilibrium W:O:A:12

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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Sep. 2010
This Thread must be at the top at all time!
Equilibrium at W:O:A 2012 is a must!

28 Aug. 2010
Good to know! I will research more lyric meanings! I really hope Equilibrium plays at WOA 2012! Although I just went to the Nuclear Blast website and ordered one of their albums to be shipped to me. So maybe if they don't end up playing (which would suck if they didn't play), they'll see that they have some support in my country (hopefully more people from the U.S. buy their albums) and then come here to play! I don't care where I see them, I just want to see them!

The album I ordered, Sagas, finally came in! It's a great album! Not many bands can pull off a 16 min instrumental.