English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
No I wasn't rare (gar) not seldom hear in the forum. Evenings I were ever in the "What hear you straight?"-Fred and postet the excellent (!) music I was straight hearing. Because the world should of every fall know what I'm straight in this moment are hearing! That's very weighty! :o

And no, I had no clock-foliage over eastern. Only the firedays hold, we everybody other too. :)

Now where you it say, right - I remember that I saw your postings in the "what hear you"-fred. Surely is it weighty that everyone hedrive, what lovely music you hear. :o:D


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Now where you it say, right - I remember that I saw your postings in the "what hear you"-fred. Surely is it weighty that everyone hedrive, what lovely music you hear. :o:D
Also me find the "What your Hear" Fred echt supi. There is a lot of different Musik drinne and you can listen to a lot of ander Bands that you have never geknowed bis gez.
In my Eyes this is one oft the best Freds for Empfehlungen of Music and Bands. Öber Hallo!:o


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Also me find the "What your Hear" Fred echt supi. There is a lot of different Musik drinne and you can listen to a lot of ander Bands that you have never geknowed bis gez.
In my Eyes this is one oft the best Freds for Empfehlungen of Music and Bands. Öber Hallo!:o

Oh, I believe, that you've missunderstand me. :confused: I didn't want to say, that this fred don't gofalls me! I there found a lot music, that I now hear, too. :)


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Now where you it say, right - I remember that I saw your postings in the "what hear you"-fred. Surely is it weighty that everyone hedrive, what lovely music you hear. :o:D

Ah, see you! Knew it doch, that you seen me! :)
And of course is it weighty. Say I doch. :o

Also me find the "What your Hear" Fred echt supi. There is a lot of different Musik drinne and you can listen to a lot of ander Bands that you have never geknowed bis gez.
In my Eyes this is one oft the best Freds for Empfehlungen of Music and Bands. Öber Hallo!:o

The "What hear you straight"-Fred is my absolute darling-fred of all hear!
I have so already goose many music known learned that I before not known have.
(I realize it rightly: my English is growing ever better, je more I write in this fred! :cool: For all the grammar let so lonesome no wishes more open! :cool:)


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Good mourning, friends of overraging English-knowledges!

I hope you are fit? Walks you good? Me already! :)