Einlassstop! Wenn die Bandausgabe was anderes sagt als Thomas Jensen.

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W:O:A Metalhead
8 Jan. 2016



5 Aug. 2023
Para ser honesto, no puedo entender por qué todavía estoy molesto por el tema.

Como ya han escrito algunos, a mí también me afectó, vomité unos días y luego todo bien.

Y en serio, quien todavía esté molesto por eso, ¿no debería haber hablado con un abogado hace mucho tiempo si intuía un verdadero escándalo aquí?

No hay nada de malo con las críticas o las mejoras sobre cómo hacer las cosas de manera diferente la próxima vez. Pero mientras la argumentación sea emocional, no es realmente útil.

El organizador no hizo todo bien, estoy de acuerdo con eso, pero sigo pensando que es bueno cómo se trataron temas como el derecho de preferencia, reembolsos, etc.

También está perfectamente bien si la experiencia desencadenó una reacción de "nunca más Wacken". Eso también es comprensible.

Esto puede ser solo una hipótesis aquí, pero puedo imaginar que toda esta situación ha dejado su huella en Thomas, entre otros.

Tampoco me gustan todos los cambios que están relacionados con la WOA, pero en realidad he visto cambios positivos en los 23 años, pequeñas cosas como usar el baño y las duchas, que todavía recuerda las tarjetas para romper 😁.

El hecho de que te hayas olvidado de todo el próximo año cuando se trata de viajar, llover, no lo creo esta vez. Wacken y las autoridades tendrán más que decir aquí.

Y un serio consejo para todos aquellos que todavía están molestos, busquen ayuda profesional, porque preocuparse tanto ahora tampoco puede ser saludable para ustedes a largo plazo.
Look dude, don´t just say to people who has lost their savings thanks to this disaster of organization to "look for profesional help if they´re still mad", first of, because i´ts completely normal to be fucking mad about it like me who made an effort with savings from YEARS and YEARS, I´ve lost the flight money, the car rental, the house rental, going from another country. . . so don´t patronize me nor others for demanding a compensation for it, and second, because mental illness are not a joke like the one you are making of them.
  • Like
Reaktionen: Beckz und SAVA


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Aug. 2016
Liebe Leute, nun schaltet mal einen Gang runter...

Ich stehe ja dazu, wenn ich trotz gut ausgeprägter Intelligängs auf dem Schlauch stehe...

...ich hab mich ohne scheiss kurz gefreut, dass du dafür einstehst, dass die Blödelspamgäng mich in Ruhe lassen soll. Und dann stelle ich mit Erschrecken fest, dass du einfach mitmachst :(
  • Metal
Reaktionen: Reiður Loki


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Juni 2011
Bad Bevensen
Der nächste der diese Wort benutzt wird von mir beim Quark gemeldet. 🧐
Mittlerweile werd ich schon aggressiv wenn ich das Wort nur lese. Meine Armbanduhr meldet ein erhöhtes Stresslevel. Der Böhse hat mich erfolgreich konditioniert.🤯

Machst du dann den GANG zum Moderator?

Ich wünschte du hättest einen Zugang zu mehr Ruhe und einen besseren Umgang mit der Thematik. Wenn dein Angang zu dem Thema bleibt muss dir ein Mod wohl den Ausgang zeigen.
  • Haha
Reaktionen: Skargon89

Böhser Cabal

W:O:A Metalhead
8 Aug. 2006
Nach dem Aufstehen sowas zu lesen 😐...geht doch mal an die frische Luft, das tut jedem mal gut...

Cabal...noch müde...kurz nach dem Nickerchen...Welcher gerade Sepultura verpasst hat und InEx aus der Ferne hört.

Das Festivalsleben ist schon hart.


Macht zur Not Selbstbefriedigung...Hauptsache ist ihr entspannt euch mal.

So...und jetzt darf ich erstmal meine Schuhe suchen...hat die jemand vielleicht hier in Dinkelsbühl gesehen...?

(Und dabei wollte ich jetzt mal ne Abstinenz vom WOA-Forum haben...aber die Scheiss Smartphones mal wieder...)


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Juni 2011
Bad Bevensen
Nach dem Aufstehen sowas zu lesen 😐...geht doch mal an die frische Luft, das tut jedem mal gut...

Cabal...noch müde...kurz nach dem Nickerchen...Welcher gerade Sepultura verpasst hat und InEx aus der Ferne hört.

Das Festivalsleben ist schon hart.


Macht zur Not Selbstbefriedigung...Hauptsache ist ihr entspannt euch mal.

So...und jetzt darf ich erstmal meine Schuhe suchen...hat die jemand vielleicht hier in Dinkelsbühl gesehen...?

(Und dabei wollte ich jetzt mal ne Abstinenz vom WOA-Forum haben...aber die Scheiss Smartphones mal wieder...)


W:O:A Metalgod
4 Aug. 2014
Look dude, don´t just say to people who has lost their savings thanks to this disaster of organization to "look for profesional help if they´re still mad", first of, because i´ts completely normal to be fucking mad about it like me who made an effort with savings from YEARS and YEARS, I´ve lost the flight money, the car rental, the house rental, going from another country. . . so don´t patronize me nor others for demanding a compensation for it, and second, because mental illness are not a joke like the one you are making of them.
4 Aug. 2014
Look dude, don´t just say to people who has lost their savings thanks to this disaster of organization to "look for profesional help if they´re still mad", first of, because i´ts completely normal to be fucking mad about it like me who made an effort with savings from YEARS and YEARS, I´ve lost the flight money, the car rental, the house rental, going from another country. . . so don´t patronize me nor others for demanding a compensation for it, and second, because mental illness are not a joke like the one you are making of them.
And because mental illnesses aren't a joke, especially then it is more than necessary to take professional help. Dude trust me I have dealt a lot with mental illnesses and a forum is definitely not the place, we have e. g. in Germany the so called "Telefonseelsorge" which should be the better place to talk with a professional about what upsets you.
Similar solution for the financial problem but then you should go for a lawyer. I mean what kind of solution do you expect here in a forum?
And before you cry me a river again, I am sitting in a similar boat when it comes of what I have lost financially, but shit happened. And never ever have I written to not be upset or even pissed of, but it's more than a week ago.

You know what pisses me of? That my younger brother died last year who I wanted to go to the festival with. Is the Wacken responsible for this?No, but tell me how I get paid back this. And same goes for the weather situation this Year. Of course there's has to be a conversation on how to avoid the chaotic communication from this year, in this case I am by your side. On the other hand, we had several years ago the Loveparade in Duisburg and the organizer didn't care for safety instructions and that cost many human lives. I never want that to happen in Wacken ever. You have the full right to be pissed off, about the situation, trust me how I felt, wasn't better. But time goes on. And the professional help advise (for mental and financial situation) , sorry if I am repeating my words, have been ment seriously. When I see with what people in Slovenia have dealt, like flood or those on Greece islands with the fire situation, I thank God for what happened in Wacken.

BTW. if this would have been my brothers first Wacken Open Air, he would have reacted in the same you were on my comment. But after some conversation we would have been looking forward. And no, I am no rich kid, trust me the financial hole hurts me too, and there have been plenty bands I already know won't come back soon to Wacken, but emotionally my younger brothers death is something what really hurts. Everything else is in the end just material, that can be refunded in any way.

Hope you are not that mad about me any way and sorry if I have attacked or offended you in any way. That was never my intention. I wish much power to at least minimize your financial situation. We are Metalheads in the end and stand together, some emotional arguing should be allowed, but we should focus on the true enemy : Rising beer prices.
Have a marvelous day.