Eindhoven Metal Meeting, December 10-11, Effenaar Eindhoven NL

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
At the risk of Mark Rutte and Hugo de Jonge getting crrazy, and killing the culture industry whilst they're at it.

"Now that the world is waking up again, the countdown to Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2021 can begin."


"Both My Dying Bride and Suffocation (featuring Frank Mullen on vocals) will play 70 minute headliner sets"

Tickets, if not refunded, for the 2020 edition, remain valid.
Otherwise, tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.nl and/or www.eindhovenmetalmeeting.com.

It will take placce at the Effenaar, directly opposite of Eindhoven Central Station. You can't miss it.

You must however take care of overnight stay yourself.

As this time wants it, all information is without guarantee.


7 Sep. 2021
Honestly? Nobody knows.
Normally it could take place with a Covid certificate. However, as its only September, no one has any idea of what will happen in December!

And Mark Rutte, demission PM hasn't been a fan of culture. See #unmuteus. (Unmute us)

Waiting game I guess :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Aug. 2008
EMM schrieb:
We know many of you are waiting on an update.
Only positive news about Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2021 at this moment. All bands are still on board, and the Dutch government hopes to abolish all Covid rules on 1st of November.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Die Borknagar/Saor/Can Bardd Tour muss komplett abgesagt werden.
Nichtdestostolz wird Borknagar auf Eindhoven Metal Meeting auftreten! Für die andere 2 Bands kann z.Z. leider nichts gesaggt werden, außer dass sie nicht kommen.

Mit den heutigen Coronamaßnahmen ist das Festival ausverkauft. Es dürfen in den Niederlanden "nur" 75% Kapazität benutzt werden. Und das nur noch in Kombination mit dem "Coronapas" (3G-Zertifikat) Dieses kann sich noch ändern. Ende Oktober sollte die eventuelle neue Maßnahmen bekannt sein. So es wieder 100% voll werden kann, wird in November noch ein Kontingent in VVK gehen.
The Borknagar/Saor/Can Bardd tour has to be cancelled completely. However, Borknagar will still be playing in Eindhoven. For the other 2 bands, nothing is known so far.

With today's covid measures of the Dutch government, this year's edition is sold out, due to the 75% capacity rule (only 75% of the capacity may be used right now) You also need a "coronapas", that is, the European Digital Covid Certificate or EDCC. And the rule of 3 is applicable. Either complettely vavccinated, cured of covid (within a month, max. 6 months) or tested (attention! 24 hours valid!!!)
However, in the end of October, new measures might be in place.
Should the 75% rule be lifted, there will be a possibility to get tickets for EMM 2021.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
As stated Tuesday, November 2:

Events can take place with a corona pass or EU Digital Covid-19 Certificate.
Capacity is restricted to 75% indoors.

They are however talking about a 2G, meaning either vaccinated or cured of Covid-19. That'd also mean, NO TESTING. But this is not yet sure!

More information on this on November 12.