Early arrival on Sunday

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
At a concert, say ACDC or Iron Maiden ...., doors open at 6pm, however some people will line up at 4pm in front of the venue to be the first to enter.
This has nothing to do with stupidity, this is about choice!!!
Though I prefer not to stand in the first line, I do understand if people want to be there first and I would never judge them.

Some go early, some late...


Dude, please don't compare a few hours at a local concert, where there are regular parking lots all around, with a festival, where you invade a tiny village and bring all your stuff...

They do. They are blocking the roads around Wacken and the roads have to be free for the 100+ trucks with material for the stages, the food stalls, the toilets [...].

And also the people in the village don't want to have the guests there too early.
Remember: The festival is only possible, because the village says that it is okay. The Sunday and Saturday before camping starts are the days, that the people use to prepare for the festival. They buy all the food they will need, they go to the see the doctor etc.

And by the way: How many festival allow you to camp more than 1 day before the festival starts?

Don't forget about ambulances, emergencies...


10 Nov. 2014
Just to add in on this topic; does anyone know at what time (specifically) it is possible to setup camp on monday?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Monday Quark, he asked for monday ;)
if he can read, he´ll find out its monday at 3pm / 15:00

Ich hab wat gegen diese idiote Frühanreisenden. Ich seh da den Spaß nicht ein, und überhaupt den Zweck nicht. Kommt (ungefähr) auf die angegebene Uhr, und dann ist dat Problem gelöst.

Nächstes Jahr müssen die ma €100 pro Nacht fragen, oder das Tarif für 'nen normalen Campingplatz.