W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by konstrukt
Yeah, it sucks...
There aresome good beers in the USA, mostly small breweries like Pyramid, Red Hook, and the so called "Mirco Breweries".
If you're ever in the US, try some of them, you'll be suprised. They are very different depending on where you are... Some are really good, some are horrible.
The finest!
www.weepingradish.com (their "Black Lager" is heaven!)
Of course, www.beeradvocate.com is a good guide to the finest the US has to offer!
I had the good fortune to have a Westmalle (I think) Quadruppel the other night. Oh jeez, that was some brutally wonderful stuff.
And I finally found a place that sells Duvel at a reasonable price! WOoooo hoooOOoooOOooOo!!!
Anyway, I love talking about beer.
Almost as much as I love drinking it!