Dong Open Air 2011 - § 328 II Nr. 3 StGB

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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
There's a time for work, but also a time for relaxation!

(maar je moet 't zelf weten ;))
Yea, but the time for relaxation is after the 19th when my last exam is done. It would be stupid to arrive back here sunday and go to the exam monday plus I have classes that prepare us for the exam on thursday and friday
Yeah well the nice girl part in my tent was a Euphemism for something else :p

I know, just wanted to tease you a little ;)


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
sleeping bag
air matrass (or whatever you sleep on)
train ticket (to Duisburg and back)
OV-chipkaart (zou je die nodig hebben)
extra underwear/socks
extra clothes
other liquor :p
toilet stuff
beer tokens (that ticket)
passport or ID
bank card
chair (if you have one)

cell phone (niet dat je er veel aan hebt, bereik is daar gewoon kut, én beltegoed natuurlijk ;))
Wacken/Headbangers mugs (always easy)
more to come?

ok got all of that.
sjhag and vloetjes
condoms (better safe then sorry of course :p )


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2003
nich mehr Münster :(
2012 date for the DOA and start of applications

Hey guys,

Let’s get started with the most important news: The 2012 Dong Open Air will take place from July 12th until July 14th. Yep, that’s right! Since so many of you showed up to party hard at this year’s festival Thursday, we decided to continue this in 2012.

Now on to further exciting news: Today, October 1st, our application phase for the 2012 DOA program officially starts. The same procedure as every year: We don’t care about your record deals, number of releases or where you’re from. The important part is your demo which we’d like you to upload through our application form on You may only apply through this application form. Because of the large number of applications we receive each year, we’ll have to ignore anything sent via mail or Myspace.

Please note that the deadline for applications is November 30th. So get your act together and send us your music. If you don’t play in a band but would really like a certain band to play, tell them about our application system (if you do play in a band and would like another band to play at the DOA, this goes for you as well, of course. ;))

On to more entertainment: If you would like to know how hard we partied in earlier years or who rocked our stage in the past, check out the illustrated book about the D.O.A.: “Verhältnismäßig geil – 10 Jahre Dong Open Air”. We listed every band that played and you can take a look at them! There are a few copies left in our online shop!

Be heard in terms of what you liked and what we need to improve: Take a look at our DOA 2011 feedback form online and let us know how to make this party even better!

We are looking forward to hear from you!

Your Dong Team