Dong Open Air 2007 - Freitag der 13. / Samstag der 14.

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W:O:A Metalmaster
31 Jan. 2003
Colamann3798 schrieb:
Dank unserer tollen Insa haben wir das hier: :)

The German Metal, Rock and Folk Festival Dong Open Air near Duisburg searches Bands from those Genres for its Billing 2007 until December 23rd. Those Bands are invited to apply for the show on July 13. and 14. at the festival's URL at the subsite "Backstage", regardless of their popularity, the number of releases or their origin within Europe. A few demo tracks are all that's needed.
More popular Bands will be headlining the festival (in the past Skyclad, Vintersorg, Finntroll, The Apocalyptic Riders, Savage Circus, Rotting Christ and others) so up to 1600 metalheads will join the shows placed on the wonderful festival-mountain's top. Join us in completing the billing by informing your fellow bands, contacting others via newsletter or just compete for yourself.
Thanks a lot!

dankö! :D
also, sollten sich profane omen melden: anhören! ;):D
sin echt saugut die jungs :)