Dir en grey

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Dir en grey auf dem nächsten Wacken?

  • Unbedingt!

    Stimmen: 69 17,0%
  • Auf keinen Fall!

    Stimmen: 181 44,7%
  • Was ist ein Dir en grey?

    Stimmen: 55 13,6%
  • Hirnschlacht spinnt!

    Stimmen: 100 24,7%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
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14 Mai 2007
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Retaliation and paradox is needed to reach happiness and freedom
The fatal dose, John Doe, the reason to exist
Right Now
The charismatic god-killer
Are you now at the mercy of the moon from the maladaptive brainwashing?
Our Blackened Sun

Fulfilled desires
The arguing and the intimacy of the assembled
Starving for euthanasia
Bad Taste
What is so pure about pushing them around?
Our Blackened Sun

Wearing the mask of pity and regret
Live Through This World

Scratching at your chest
Unable to leave a scar
Love It's an ideal of the person you imitated

Even the unprejudiced sky, along with the light shun-out

Now even realizing having lost everything
You lost yourself craving the dream
A toast to you! As you hide underneath that smile

Clinging on to the answer that can't save you
No one to pamper you
It's time to end it, along with the feeling of regret

But soon you will realize
With the future before you
Yes...what does the blue sky mean?


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Mai 2010
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Retaliation and paradox is needed to reach happiness and freedom
The fatal dose, John Doe, the reason to exist
Right Now
The charismatic god-killer
Are you now at the mercy of the moon from the maladaptive brainwashing?
Our Blackened Sun

Fulfilled desires
The arguing and the intimacy of the assembled
Starving for euthanasia
Bad Taste
What is so pure about pushing them around?
Our Blackened Sun

Wearing the mask of pity and regret
Live Through This World

Scratching at your chest
Unable to leave a scar
Love It's an ideal of the person you imitated

Even the unprejudiced sky, along with the light shun-out

Now even realizing having lost everything
You lost yourself craving the dream
A toast to you! As you hide underneath that smile

Clinging on to the answer that can't save you
No one to pamper you
It's time to end it, along with the feeling of regret

But soon you will realize
With the future before you
Yes...what does the blue sky mean?

Dir En Grey Meanings ? :p
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