Digital ticket/proof to attach to the visa application?

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3 Juni 2024
Hi folks,

I am from India, and this is my second time at Wacken and first time doing it by myself. I have my visa appointment coming up next week, I need to attach the ticket or some kind of a proof of my Wacken trip to the application. However, I noticed that the download button is disabled for now, and I am not sure when the physical ticket will reach me.

How are you guys handling this situation? Moreover, has anyone any idea about when the ticket will reach us?
Please let me know guys, I need to sort this situation soon.

Thanks, \m/


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Since you're here, on the forum, that means you also have a Wacken ID. If you go to the TICKETCENTER, you should be able to see your ticket, even though you cannot open it yet!
A "Print Screen" should be enough.


3 Juni 2024
Since you're here, on the forum, that means you also have a Wacken ID. If you go to the TICKETCENTER, you should be able to see your ticket, even though you cannot open it yet!
A "Print Screen" should be enough.
Thanks! I did think of this idea but I wasn't sure of it. Maybe I will go through with it.
The confirmation email is from Metaltix and it only mentions that the ticket will be transferred to your Wacken account soon.

Have y'all received the physical tickets? I need to see when will I get it.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Thanks! I did think of this idea but I wasn't sure of it. Maybe I will go through with it.
The confirmation email is from Metaltix and it only mentions that the ticket will be transferred to your Wacken account soon.

Have y'all received the physical tickets? I need to see when will I get it.
That'll be just a few weeks before the festival! So... it's ALL YOU'VE GOT!


W:O:A Metalmaster
3 Aug. 2015
Thanks! I did think of this idea but I wasn't sure of it. Maybe I will go through with it.
The confirmation email is from Metaltix and it only mentions that the ticket will be transferred to your Wacken account soon.

Have y'all received the physical tickets? I need to see when will I get it.

Hope i understood your question right:
There is no physical Ticket for Festival entrance anymore. There´s just the digital one. You´ll be able to download (and if you want) print it in a short time before the festival. It´s just a QR Code.