W:O:A Metalmaster
Original geschrieben von rotnroll666
Maybe, he's the polize office and i am the indian from village people....
You meant "hairy" ? Thats how czech ppl call police
Original geschrieben von rotnroll666
Maybe, he's the polize office and i am the indian from village people....
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
You meant "hairy" ? Thats how czech ppl call police
Original geschrieben von rotnroll666
me forget the r.... i'am so sorry....
why do you call them hairy? like hairy apes or something?
Original geschrieben von rotnroll666
Na, das wüßtest Du wohl gerne....
Ne, das war viel schöner.
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
No just hairy cause it is usual slang I call like that my brother cause he is at police
Original geschrieben von rotnroll666
how do you get along with each other?
is he a grindheaded hairy?
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
HE LISTENS TO GAY MUSIC Manowar, Hammerfall...bah stupid heavy metal crap
Original geschrieben von rotnroll666
Trying to imagine... i guess you like him as much as finntroll.... As a boxing bag or something like that....
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
Oh yes we really had beaten the shit out of each other when we were younger But it is a bit different with Finntroll, he is more puritain and oldfashioned
Original geschrieben von Finntroll
thank you...i`ve always known that I´m somebody very special for you
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
Ok you can continue in your way around now
Original geschrieben von Finntroll
my daily turn as the police officer from village people town? do you like to see my...ehrm...rhythm stick?
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
No, thanx, I guess roti wanted it as first
Original geschrieben von Finntroll
oh my god...i already hate me by now for this...but...there`s rhythmstick enough for both of you
Original geschrieben von Hammered_gods
No, thanx, I guess roti wanted it as first