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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
So apart from Ditto, Berserkur, Lord Horb (if he finally goes) and me, who's gonna wake up that early to see the mighty Dew Scented?

By the way, why did they call themselves "Dew Scented"? It's original, but it doesn't really sound like a name for a thrashy-death band.....


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
So apart from Ditto, Berserkur, Lord Horb (if he finally goes) and me, who's gonna wake up that early to see the mighty Dew Scented?

By the way, why did they call themselves "Dew Scented"? It's original, but it doesn't really sound like a name for a thrashy-death band.....

me mates also coming :D:D
just wake me up;):D:D