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W:O:A Metalmaster
31 Jan. 2003
the neck, and then the chain
the head is hung in shame
the neck, and then the chain
the head is hung in shame

i thought that you had grown
that you'd carry on
but now that i am gone
what else's been withdrawn

you used to be like my twin
and all its been
was it all for nothing
are you strong when you're with him
the one who's placed you above us all

i think our love
i'll let it pass
it feels like fire
but it won't last

what is this coming to
i am unwilling to go on
you have lost
no one has won


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Werd ich am Galgen hochgezogen
weiß ich wie schwer mein Arsch gewogen
noch ein lauter Schrei, ein Schrei, ein Schrei


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Ruf mich an!
Du gottverdammter Wichser!
Ruf mich an!
Du mieser kleiner Spritzer!


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Take a Look to the Sky
just before you Die
Its the last Time you will...


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Stand and Fight
Live by your Heart
Always one more Try
Im not afraid to Die

Das sind bestimmt Fehler drin...mein English ist auch nich mehr das Beste... :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Mai 2002
Website besuchen
W.A.S.P. - Mean Man

A tatooed madman, I am hell on wheels
Born a wicked child left alone in the fields
My father was the wind, my mother was fire
Raised by the wolves and I grew up wild
A kamikaze man, a hollering banzai
Never crash and burn, never gonna die
Cannibal it's me, you squeal and shout
I chew you up and spit you out
Storms a c-c-coming and it's gonna be me
Here comes Trouble with a capital "T"

Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man,
I gotta scream, that's what I am
All the way, all the way
Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man,
Riding the wind and know I'll be damned
All they way, all the way, all the way

Chewbacca in the rye, the water of fire
A terror in the flesh, a killer for hire
California man I'm white line, "Homer"
The unruly one they call the "Blonde Bomber"
Scooter gypsy, I'm a renegade
An orphan of the road, a live hand greande
Never gonna quit before my time
When the moon gets high then I'll be blind
Mad dog 20-20's king
I drink that stuff and start getting obscene

I'm a motorcycle man don't never give a damn
I lie when the truth serves better
The Marquee de Sade, I cheat and steal and rob
A heavy metal creature
All the way, all the way, all the way

*grööööööhl* *bang*