Der große Träller und Lyric Thread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Die beiden Songs sind ja auch so geil...

Will will will kein Bestandteil sein
Will will will will kein Bestandteil sein
Will will kein Bestandteil sein
kein Bestandteil sein
nicht von dem was war - es war nichts
nicht von dem was demnächst kommt
nicht von nichts davon
nicht von dem was ist, allemal nicht, nicht davon
will will will will will will will will will
will will will kein Bestandteil sein
kein Bestandteil sein
kein Partikel im Netz
kein Staub...
will will will will kein Bestandteil sein
tausch meine Stimme gegen Vogelgeschrei
tausch meinen Schlag, Schlag des Herzens gegen Beben
möglichst hoch auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala
Ich weiß was ich mir heute abend ins Gehirn baller wenn ich von der Arbeit komm.


"Ein Stuhl in der Hölle"

Wo bist du gewesen?
Sag es mir
Ich bin bei der Schwester der Mutter gewesen
Oh weh mir
Was hast du denn dort getan?
Sag es mir
Ich hab gegessen und auch getrunken
Oh weh mir
Was hast du gegessen dort?
Sag es mir
Eine Brühe mit Pfeffer gab es dort
Oh weh mir
Was hast du getrunken?
Sag es mir
Ein Glas voll mit rotem Wein
Oh weh mir
Was haben die Hunde und Katzen gefressen?
Sag es mir
Sie haben die Brühe mit Pfeffer gefressen
Oh weh mir
Was ist denn darauf geschehen?
Sag es mir
Sie sind in einer Stunde verreckt
Oh weh mir
Was wünschst du dir für deinen Vater?
Sag es mir
Ich wünsch ihm einen Stuhl im Himmel
Oh weh mir
Was wünschst du dir für deine Mutter?
Sag es mir
Ich wünsch ihr einen Stuhl in der Hölle
Oh weh mir


W:O:A Metalmaster
31 Jan. 2003
Fragile Skin

I have this feeling, I'm getting lost again
Isn't there a way to get this day to it's end
(this day I know it will be the same again)
I'm too scared of running away from my life
I'm too tired, nothing makes sense anymore

And I... can't stand the way things are
And I... won't let it be

The end is getting closer
Little dreams are fading
Don't ya see the wounds in
my fragile skin
This pain cannot come inside
Why do we have to make it our own
I can't afford to make another mistake,
or do I?

Finally I'm in the corner
You cannot see the smile in my eyes

And I... can't stand the way things are
And I... won't let it be

The end is getting closer
Little dreams are fading
Don't ya see the wounds in
my fragile skin
This pain cannot come inside
Why do we have to make it our own
I can't afford to make another mistake,
or do I?

Questions about life make me wonder
Nonstop highway flashing thru my windows
If I just could find the way
Place no one knows and what I want to be

The end is getting closer
Little dreams are fading
Don't ya see the wounds in
my fragile skin
This pain cannot come inside
Why do we have to make it our own
I can't afford to make another mistake,
or do I?


W:O:A Metalgod

When The Crowds Are Gone

I don't know where the years have gone
Memories can only last so long
Like faded photographs, forgotten songs
And the things I never knew
When the skin is thin, the heart shows through
Please believe me what I tell you is true

Where's the light, turn then on again
One more night to believe and then
Another note for my requiem
A memory to carry on
The story's over when the crowds are gone

All my friends have been crucified
They made life a long suicide true
Guess we never figured out the rules
But I'm still alive and my fingers feel
I'm gonna play on till the final reel's through
And read the credits from a different view

Where's the lights, turn them on again
One more night to believe and then
Another note for my requiem
A memory to carry on
The story's over when the crowds are gone

When the crowds are gone
And I'm all alone
Playing a final song
Now that the lights are gone
Turn them on again
One more time for me my friend
Turn them on again
I never wanted to know
Never wanted to see
I wasted my time till time wasted me
Never wanted to go
Always wanted to stay
Cause the person I am are the parts that I play
So I play and I plan
And hope and I scheme
To the lure of a night
Filled with unfinished dreams
And I'm holding on tight
To a world gone astray

As they charge me for years
I can no longer pay

And the lights
Turn them off my friend
And the ghosts
Well just let them in
Cause in the dark
It's easier to see


W:O:A Metalgod
Es geht genau so melancholisch weiter. Irgendwie scheint das gerade zu passen....:D

Summer's Rain

Standing alone in a dream
Where nothing is real
But oh how real it feels
There were times I lost my way
I was alone, lost in a haze
Where are you now
I'll find you somehow

[Chorus :]
And do I stand alone
Like a fool out in the rain
Hanging on somehow
To an ancient vow
Where there's nothing left to gain
And do you know
How it feels inside
To be all alone
A fool and his pride

Scars are the wounds that we show
Time only heals
If you're letting go
Many right I'd lay awake
Tossing and turning till daybreak
Where are you now
I'll find you somehow

[Repeat Chorus]
In a summer's rain [4 times]

Sometimes you got to believe
Beyond yesterday
I'm gonna find my way
In the summer's rain

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Cathedral (Crosby/Stills/Nash)

Six o' clock
In the morning, I feel pretty good
So I dropped into the luxury of the Lords
Fighting dragons and crossing swords
With the people against the hordes
Who came to conquer

Seven o'clock
In the morning, here it comes
I taste the warning and I am so amazed
I'm here today, seeing things so clear this way
In the car and on my way
To Stonehenge

I'm flying in Winchester cathedral
Sunlight pouring through the break of day
Stumbled through the door and into the chamber
There's a lady setting flowers on a table covered lace
And a cleaner in the distance finds a cobweb on a face
And a feeling deep inside of me tells me
This can't be the place

I'm flying in Winchester cathedral
All religion has to have its day
Expressions on the face of the Saviour
Made me say
I can't stay

Open up the gates of the church and let me out of here!
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ
For anyone to heed the call
So many people have died in the name of Christ
That I can't believe it all

And now I'm standing on the grave of a soldier that died in 1799
And the day he died it was a birthday
And I noticed it was mine
And my head didn't know just who I was
And I went spinning back in time
And I am high upon the altar
High upon the altar, high

I'm flying in Winchester cathedral
It's hard enough to drink the wine
The air inside just hangs in delusion
But given time
I'll be fine

Open up the gates of the church and let me out of here!
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ
For anyone to heed the call
So many people have died in the name of Christ
That I can't believe it all

And now I'm standing on the grave of a soldier that died in 1799
And the day he died it was a birthday
And I noticed it was mine
And my head didn't know just who I was
And I went spinning back in time
And I am high upon the altar
High upon the altar, high


W:O:A Metalgod
Ich hab gerade mehr Bock auf fröliche, lebensbejaende Musik....:D

"How do you do? Have yourselves a pleasant afternoon!"
Well, fuck you, too!
"Good night" is the one I choose for you!

I'll killl myself
I'll blow my brains onto the wall!
C U in Hell,
I will not take this anymore!
Now, this is where it ends,
this is where I will draw the line
So, 'scuse me while I end my life.

I will pull this through
Not having a reason is no excuse
What the Hell do you suppose I have left to lose?


I'll kill myself
I'll blow my brains onto the wall!
C U in Hell,
I will not take this anymore!
This is where it ends I'll put a bullet in my head
And yes, drop dead [HA-HA-HA]!
This is where it ends, this is where I will draw the line:
Excuse me while
I Kill myself​


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Schwarz Schaut Tiefsten Lichterglanz von Dornenreich

Tag - Schwarz schaut Glitzerwucherflut,
das Zerrwerk, das nur nachtseits ruht.
Wahnsinn, den ich hier scheint's fliehe,
(nur) meines Wahnsinns letzter Schild,
(scheint) namenloser Ängste Quelle,
aller Wahrheit Winkelbild.

Nacht - Schwarz schaut mäßiges Nichts,
den schweren Glanz des Mondeslichts.
Tiefe, die ich darin seh',
(nur) meiner Tiefe Spiegelbild,
(scheint) stiller Sehnsucht letzter Zeuge,
aller Leere letzter Schild.

Schwarz schaut tiefsten Lichterglanz,
Sonne - Mond, den starren Tanz,
der milde alle Wege meidet,
vor - zurück - im Abgrund schwingt,
und mir meine Träume neidet.
- Schwarz durchschaut -
- Schwarz sehnt sich sehr -


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Trauerbrandung von Dornenreich

Fragen ragen über Fragen,
und niemand kann lang' Antwort sagen,
was Einsamkeit, was Richtigkeit,
was Mut und Überheblichkeit,
was Liebe, Freund und Eigenheit,
und all ihr ... Rätsel wirklich seid.

Manch' Gedanke dringt zum Herzen
als die Wucht aller Schmerzen,
Doch dies' bitterwonnige Beben,
ist mein Puls für inniges Leben.

Trauerbrandung - Ich trinke Tränen.
Ich schöpfe Kraft.

Ich denke und frage und weine sehr,
Ich schweige und schweige und sieche leer,
Ich fühle und frage und weine sehr,
Ich sehne mich weiter - Ich bin sehr.

Manch' Empfindung dringt zum Herzen
als die Wucht aller Schmerzen,
Doch dies bitterwonnige Beben,
ist mein Puls für inniges Leben.

Trauerbrandung - Ich trinke Tränen.
Ich schöpfe Kraft.


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Mein Publikum - Der Augenblick von Dornenreich

Das Kind, das ich einst war, sah still und länger hin,
Es ruhte auf der Luft ...
doch irgenddann brach ich aus mir herab.
Ich fiel hinein in die Zeit, doch leider nicht unendlich weit ...
Mein Schmetterfels : Vergänglichkeit.
Und während mein Blick nun jahrelang durch
Gedankenscherben strich,
sich nur schmerzlich weiten konnte, flog die Zeit in meinem
Schatten, und drängte traurig heimlich

Erst an welker Nächte Morgen, als scherbenfrei der Blick sich
spannte, sah ich in seiner ganzen Fülle, Die Zeit, die sich
"mein Leben" nannten, ja, die ich einst als Kind schon kannte,
ein Lichtspiel eines kindlichen Seins, das wandelfarb'nen
mich, ja mich, erwünschte.

Ihr Blick glitt weich in Silben :

"Ich bin Dein einzig' Publikum,
drum mein Wesen fühl' vertraut,
laß sehn wohin man durch Dich schaut
und fühlen mich mit Deiner Haut,
Ich erlebe, was Dir wirklich ist.
Ich bin Dein einzig' Publikum,
drum mein Wesen denk' vertraut,
Ich möchte, was Dein Geist anstaunt.
Ich bin inbei."

Sie schmiegte sich wild an meine Hülle,
Taumelasche sprach von "Wind",
Sie ist Neugier - die Endlose,
Staubfliehender hieß dies "Hast".

Sie nahm meine Gesten,
wie Ich sie innigst meinte,
und ehe Ich "AlleinSein" sehnte,
erfloß Sie all mein Sein
langsam, dunkel, voll und sanft ...

Jetzt bin ich beinah wieder Kind,
frei belebe ich jeden Moment,
ohne Furcht vor vielem Gestern,
denn in Zeit bin ich mir selbst Geschenk.

Der Moment ist dabei Publikum.
Mein Lidschlag fordert ihn heraus,
mein Lächeln ist wie sein Applaus,
Und manchmal gleicht mein leerer Blick
seinem enttäuschten Entsetzen,
denn wenn ich ihm nichts mehr zeigen kann,
erhebt er sich - verläßt mich schnell,
und nur einem gefällt meine starre Not,
nun ist es vorbei.

Denn da klatscht

Der Tod.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Juni 2005
Lkr. Ravensburg
Dread and the Fugitive Mind - Megadeth :D
Let me introduce myself I’m a social disease
I’ve come for your wealth leave you on your knees
No time for feeling sorry, I got here on my own
I won’t ask for mercy, I choose to walk alone

What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine too
If you shake my hand better count your fingers

What if I do get caught? what if there is no judgment?
If I’m right I lose nothing, if you’re right I lose it all
I ought to get caught because I’m doing something wicked
I’m guilty haunted by my fear and the only consequences
Are dread and the fugitive mind

You built walls to protect you so no one will infect you
Pursued by those out there that vanish in thin air
Come a long way to find what you really left behind
You don’t know when the end is but it’s coming fast

What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine too
If you shake my hand better count your fingers

What if I do get caught? what if there is no judgment?
If I’m right I lose nothing, if you’re right I lose it all
I ought to get caught because I’m doing something wicked
I’m guilty haunted by my fear and the only consequences
Are dread and the fugitive mind


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004

The Trapper

I can catch a helpless animal,
Skin it with my bare hands.
I wake up muddy,
And I go to bed bloody,
'Cause I'm a trappin' man.

I can brave the nastiest weather.
Even if it's 80 below.
My pa was an elephant, but that's irrelevant.
My ma was an Eskimo.

I eat rabbits' heads for breakfast.
With beaver butt on the side.
The side!
My mind's magnificent and my body no different.
I'm full of trapper pride!

Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Yo-ho!
Rip their fur, cut their skin with my knife.
Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Yo-ho!
One thing's for sure, there's nothing like a trappin' life!

I'm badder than the baddest sailor!
I make love to women to 10 feet tall.
Good lord!
I've got a chest of wonder and balls of thunder.
I can break right through a wall.

I love the sound of metal,
Snapping on an animal's head.
Sometimes they scamper
Sometimes they whimper
But they always end up dead.

(Interlude by Nutter)
I've always wanted to be somebody
Who didn't get pushed around.
Now that I'm a trapper,
I'm the meanest guy around.
(Frenchy interrupts)
Second meanest!

The blood of a fresh-cut rodent
Is as sweet as brandy wine.
And the brain of an antelope
Tastes like cantaloupe.
What a yummy life!

Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Yo-ho!
Rip their fur, cut their eyes out with my knife.
Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Yo-ho!

(Song is cut short, due to the trapper trio's inability to sing in corresponding scales)
[Noon] Oh, Stop!
[Humphrey] That's sick.
[Frenchy] I agree. Nutter, you were singing in the wrong key!
[Nutter] No I wasn't. It was Loutzenheiser. I was singing in Eb minor.
[Frenchy] The song's in F# major!
[Bell] I think they're the same thing. I mean, Eb is the relative minor of F#.
[Frenchy] No, it isn't. The relative minor is 3 half-tones down from the major, not up!
[Noon] No, it's 3 down. Like A is the relative minor of C major.
[Loutzenheiser] But isn't A# in C major?
[Bell] Wait, are you singing Mixolydian scales, or something?
[Frenchy] A# is tonic to C major. It's the 6!
[Humphrey] No it isn't!
[Swan] Well, it'd be like a raised 13th if anything.
[Frenchy] Oh well. You guys are just a bunch of loser diggers anyhow!
[Humphrey] Oh see. You know we're right!


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
When I Was On Top Of You

She'll never know what she meant to me.
Whenever I was with her I was always as gentle as I could be.
And now I don't know why, but she's gone away.
And I'll just have to stand on my own two legs.

Your eyes, your smile
Made my little life worthwhile.
There's was nothing I couldn't do
When I was on top of you.

I'd pull her hair, and she'd know to stop.
And when she'd look behind her, I'd always be there.
And now I don't know why, but she,
she's gone.
And all I can do is try to carry on.

Your eyes, your smile
Made my little life worthwhile.
The sky was a lot more blue,
When I was on top of you.
When I was on top of you.


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
This Side Of Me

What is this magic I feel?
Seems no matter where I am, it finds me.
Puts the memories of hope inside me.
Makes me warm once more.

He's just a quiet man,
But his eyes can see right through me.
Is it only that I feel pity?
Could it be something more?

Safe as an island,
Far off to sea.
I'd almost forgotten
This side of me.

What is this magic I feel?
Thought this mushy stuff was below me.
Could it be he is the one to show me
What compassion is for?

Safe as an island,
Far off to sea.
I'd almost forgotten
This side of me.
Perhaps I'm not the cold bitch
I pretended to be.
I'd almost forgotten this side of me.


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
Hang The Bastard!

Hang the bastard, hang him high.
Hoist his body to the sky.
It's as nice as a day can be.
Won't you come to the hanging with me?

Hang the bastard, hang him high.
Hoist his body to the sky.
It's as nice as a day can be.
Won't you come to the hanging with me?

Hang the bastard, hang him well.
Send his sorry soul to hell.
When his neckbone snaps we'll know.
When the cannibal won't be killing anymore.

His face will turn red,
Then purple, then blue.
We'll watch from up here
To get a good view.
And when his eyes bug out we'll know,
It's the end of him
And the end of the show!

So hang the bastard, hang him with cheer.
We'll make some hot dogs
And drink a few beers.
And when his tongue rolls out we'll know,
It's the end of the show
And we all can go home!

But not till we hang the bastard, hang him here.
The most exciting thing this town has seen in years.
When his body stops jerking we'll know,
It's the end of him, it's the end of him,
It's the end of him,
And the end of the show.

[Cowbell solo]

So hang the bastard, hang him high.
Kiss his guilty butt goodbye.
It's as nice as a day can be.
Won't you come to the hanging with me?

His veins will pop out all over his head.
We'll tickle his armpits to make sure he's dead.
And when his tongue rolls out we'll know,
It's the end of him and we all can go home!

But not till we
Hang the bastard, hang him high.

Hoist his body to the sky.
When his body stops jerking we'll know,
It's the end of him, it's the end of him,
It's the end of him!
And the end of the show!
