Der große Träller und Lyric Thread

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Kannst du für mich ein Engel sein
Kannst du für mich schuldig sein
Stellst du dich ins weiße Licht
Meine Augen siehst du nicht
Glaubst du noch an meine Lügen
Willst du dich nur selbst betrügen
Krallst dich viel zu fest an mich
Bitte, bitte glaub mir nicht

Kannst du für mich ein Engel sein
Kannst du für mich schuldig sein
Stellst du dich ins weiße Licht
Meine Augen siehst du nicht
Glaubst du noch an meine Lügen
Willst du dich nur selbst betrügen
Krallst dich viel zu fest an mich
Bitte, bitte glaub mir nicht

Kannst du in meiner Seele lesen
In meinen Träumen bin ich jede Nacht allein

Kannst du in meiner Seele lesen......
We need your blood
We need your flesh
We want to see you fade to black

Do you like our white skin?
Do you like our eyes?
Do you want to follow us through the night?

We are your pleasure,
We are your destiny...
We are your pleasure,
We are your destiny...

We’re living in the the darkness,
We hate the day
We’re hunting in the night,
Take your children away

Your blood is our pleasure we want your soul
You will never die as a child of the night

We’re living in the darkness,
We hate the day
We’re hiding in the shadow,
To the moon we pray

We are the creatures of the night,
We want your blood
We’re the seduction of evil,
Want to conquer your world

We want to lick your blood
We want to kiss your neck
Like a taste of sin

You will live forever
You will never die
Come and take my hand
"Hat Dir eigentlich schon mal jemand gesagt wie hübsch Du bist?
Ich kann dafür sorgen, daß Du auch hübsch bleibst, für immer."

You're running through the darkness
We don't need no light
You're looking for a place to hide
We protect you from the cold
Your life seems so meaningless
We satisfy Your dreams
You search for a gate to a better life
You just need to take my hand

There's so much beauty in our world
Beauty of the night
There's so much pleasure in our world
Pleasure of the night
We're drowning in a see of blood
Sacrifice your life
We have the gift of eternal existence
Sacrifice your soul

We try to catch you in the dark
With a certain kind of kiss
We invite you to the darker side
A kingdom without light

We try to catch you in the night
The moon shines in a different light
We see into your fragile eyes
No more time to cry

We try to catch you in the dark
With a certain kind of kiss
We invite you to the darker side
A kingdom without light

Can't you see our burning souls
We hide a secret deep inside
We show you pleasures without pain
Take our gift this night
there's no place in this fucking world
no place for a fragile heart like mine
I can't hide my insecurity
when madness comes around

I will wake you up at night
prepare for collective suicide
I can take you to the moon
salvation will come soon
and I am not afraid to die
as long as there will be you and I
I will wake you up at night
prepare for collective suicide

you always try to force me
in the wrong direction
tell me how can you be sure
as long as I feel insecure
"eine weitere entsetzliche Prophezeihung
sollte sich erfüllen
der Wind des Todes
wird über die Erde fegen
die Kontinente werden in einem Ozean
voll Blut versinken"

Zerfetzte Körper liegen am Boden
Blut ist überall, wohin Du schaust
Menschen sterben jeden Tag
Du kannst es sehen, Du siehst den Tod
1000 Bleiche Schädel starren Dich an
Knochenhände greifen nach Dir
das Feuer der Zerstörung brennt in deinen Augen
die Sichel des Todes schneidet in Dein Fleisch

Totes Fleisch
alles was Du siehst
Totes Fleisch
alles was du riechst
Totes Fleisch
alles was Du fühlst
Totes Fleisch
Totes Fleisch
alles was Du bist

der Duft der Verwesung dringt in Dein Gehirn
Du kannst es nicht ertragen
Du kannst es nicht verstehen
Dein Körper beginnt sich auf zu lösen
Dein Fleisch verdorrt
Dein Fleisch verwest
nun liegst Du am Boden kalt wie Stein
zwischen all den toten Körpern
und all dem Blut
jetzt bist Du ein weiteres Opfer des Todes
Du bist nichts mehr wert
nur Totes Fleisch
"Zunächst mal werde ich
Dir auf den Kopf schlagen.
Eine Weile.
Wenn Du ohnmächtig wirst,
warte ich bis Du wieder zu Dir kommst.
Dann werde ich Dir die
Arme und Beine brechen.
Und danach verstümmle ich Dich.
Aber ich weiß noch nicht wie.
Das improvisiere ich
wenn es soweit ist.
Wenn ich Dir beispielsweise
eine Hand abschneide,
kann ich sie Dir auf den Kopf drapieren.
Solche Gemeinheiten machen Spaß.
Oder ich kann Dich zwingen
Dein eigenes Ohr aufzuessen.
Wenn ich gut bin,
nehme ich Dir die Eingeweide heraus,
ohne das Du stirbst.
Da kriegst Du Angst.
Schau mich an, kriegst Du Angst?
Wenn Du am verbluten bist
und kurz vorm sterben,
kommt der Schuß in den Mund.
Dann zerstückle ich Dich und weg damit."

In einer dunklen Gasse warte ich auf Dich.
Ich schleich Dir hinterher, Du siehst mich nicht.
Du spürst die Angst. Du willst von hier fort.
Doch jetzt Schlag ich zu an diesem finsteren Ort.
Niemand hört Dich schreien.
Niemand sieht Dich leiden.
Niemand hört Dich schreien.
Niemand sieht Dich leiden.

Komm mit mir. Spiel mein Spiel.
Komm mit mir.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Ich komm um Dich zu holen.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Reich mir Deine Hand.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Ich komm um Dich zu holen.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Reich mir Deine Hand.

Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Ich komm um Dich zu holen.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Reich mir Deine Hand.
Ich bin ein böser Mann.
Ich komm um Dich zu quälen.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Reich mir Deine Hand.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Ich komm um Dich zu holen.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Reich mir Deine Hand.
Ich bin ein kranker Mann.
Ich komm um Dich zu töten.
Ich bin der schwarze Mann.
Reich mir Deine Hand.

Solche Gemeinhaiten machen Spaß


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Mai 2002
Website besuchen
A tatooed madman, I am hell on wheels
Born a wicked child left alone in the fields
My father was the wind, my mother was fire
Raised by the wolves and I grew up wild
A kamikaze man, a hollering banzai
Never crash and burn, never gonna die
Cannibal it's me, you squeal and shout
I chew you up and spit you out
Storms a c-c-coming and it's gonna be me
Here comes Trouble with a capital "T"

Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man,
I gotta scream, that's what I am
All the way, all the way
Cause I'm a mean motherfucking man,
Riding the wind and know I'll be damned
All they way, all the way, all the way

Chewbacca in the rye, the water of fire
A terror in the flesh, a killer for hire
California man I'm white line, "Homer"
The unruly one they call the "Blonde Bomber"
Scooter gypsy, I'm a renegade
An orphan of the road, a live hand greande
Never gonna quit before my time
When the moon gets high then I'll be blind
Mad dog 20-20's king
I drink that stuff and start getting obscene

I'm a motorcycle man don't never give a damn
I lie when the truth serves better
The Marquee de Sade, I cheat and steal and rob
A heavy metal creature
All the way, all the way, all the way

From the grave comes the storm
fire and ice, and battle horns.
Through the night a dark star burns
Titans fight, the King returns.

Demons eyes spread fear in pain
Throughout the minds of those too sane
To realize this is no game,
Drinking the lies in Heaven's name.

Spear of tin, forged by Muse
Majik mound of Crom.
Some they learn, some they burn
In the wake of Metalstorm.

From the veils blows the storm.
Lightning strikes from the sword.
Warriors ride upon the wind.
All Hallows Night, the hunt begins.

Lord of Flies doth spread the plage
Throughout the lives of those to blame.
For all the lies in Heaven's name
The Lords of Light shall rise again.

Holy Grail, Silver sails,
Court of Avalon.
Some they learn, some they burn
In the wake of Metalstorm.


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004

Was zieht her von welken Nächten ?
Fühl' nun selbst, was diese Dir brächten,
was sie Dir bringen ... sie schon brachten.

[Das Ich nimmt wahr]
Stummes Dunkelsehen ... stolpernder Dunkelblick ...

[Die Natur vernimmt dies selbst]
ein menschähnlicher Riß in welker Nacht Gewand ...

tapfere Töne tummeln sich ... in dunkelwellenden Unbehagen ...
schattengroße Schwebeklänge ...

ein menschähnlicher Lauschepflock ...
in welker Nächte Schlummertanz...

blauschwere Süße ... gekostete Traumschleier ...

ein menschleiser Sog in welker Nächte Himmelhauch ...

nahegleitende Lauerlüfte ... hautzüngelnde Schlotterschergen ...
knochenströmendes Kältewehen ...

ein menschähnlicher Zittersplitter in welker Nächte grauem Wind ...

[Das Ich erkennt]
"Ich bin fassende Ungeduld
und oft erdachtes Zögern.
Sagbar Ich,
ein Mensch von welker Nacht Gestalt,
ein Mensch in seinem eig'nen Halt."


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Iced Earth

I walk the Earth just as they planned
Baptized in fire for my ancient land
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind

For many years, I've walked among you
Through the folds of time and space
Kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit
I devour souls of those that pose a threat

I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes

I bide my time planning your fate
With bated breath, The Elder wait
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
For your crimes on our kind you all will die

I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes

Forged in the sacred flames
On the sixth day
Of the sixth month
In the sixth hour

I am your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind
Born of the beast and flames
I will devour, I will divide

Hellfire rages in my eyes
Blood will fall like rain this night
The coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind

I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
Better Off Dead (Cirith Ungol)

I'm tired of being the odd man out
I speak with a whisper and feel with a shout
I feel out of tune, I feel out of key
I feel like I'm missing a part of me

I've got a lot on my head
And my condition's read
I think I'm better off dead

Some people say that lightning never strikes twice
But I've been hit more than once in my life
I've been taken in so many times
A thousand promises, a thousand lies

I've got a lot on my head
And my condition's read
I think I'm better off dead
Sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes I take a look at the world
And sometimes I take a look at the girls
I'm just a spectator, I don't get involved
I've got too many problems of my own to solve

I've got a lot on my head
And my condition's read
I think I'm better off dead
I've got a lot on my head
And my condition's read
I think I'm better off dead
Sometimes, sometimes


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
Edge Of A Knife (Cirith Ungol)

It feels like I'm frustrated
When I should be satisfied
But as long as I'm frustrated
I know I'm still alive
I've got 20/20 hindsight
But I won't live in the past
I like to look up at the sky
When I'm flat on my ass

Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life

I've got my rock 'n roll haircut
I've got my rock 'n roll jeans
Just to make me feel like
Someone I'd rather not be
I don't care if you laugh at me
It's better than beeing ignored
Anyway, I'm used to it
That's what fools are for

Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life

Maybe I gotta get hurt
Maybe that's what I need
'Cause I got music in my bloodstream
Sometimes I just can't seem to bleed
I don't care if you laugh at me
It't better than beeing ignored
Anyway, I'm used to it
That's what fools are for

Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life
Edge of a knife, edge of a knife
Maybe that's what they mean by real life



W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Juni 2005
Lkr. Ravensburg
Au klasse, auch mal wieder einen Song mitgröhlen will:

You're runnin' around in the gamblin' hall
Every night it's the same
You're lookin' for something new to play
To win and have fun is your aim

A pinball speaks to you
His metal voice is knockin' in your head
You can't resist you'll have to play
You're just another victim caught in the trap

Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - man you'll never win - hey
Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - but you keep on playin' - hey

Your blood is boilin' your eyes grow wide -
Advance - too late
Gamblin' fever has taken your mind - this fuckin' machine of hate

You spend all your money but you'll never win
You're always the loser and the robot's voice keeps hammering

Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - man you'll never win - hey
Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - but you keep on playin' - hey

Wastin' money for fun every night
Livin' for today no thoughts for tomorrow
Man you are dead don't you realize
Wake up and live before it's too late

Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - man you'll never win - hey
Gorgar will eat you, Gorgar - but you keep on playin' - hey


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
Du störst meine Cirith Ungol Session!:rolleyes: :p ;)

Maybe That's Why

I don't know how you really feel,
I just know you 've been hurt.
Wish I could say what I really feel,
But I know you need more than words.
To say everything I wanted to say,
I 'd have to have a book.
But you can say so much more
With just a single look

Maybe That's Why, Maybe That's Why
I love you...

Close my eyes and I see your face,
My heart starts beating your name.
Look in your eyes and I melt away,
I know I 'll never be the same.

Maybe That's Why, Maybe That's Why
I love you...

Now here's the moral of the story,
I know it's easier said than done.
Believe in your dreams, believe in yourself,
No matter, nomatter what comes.
You 've got the power, you 've got the strength,
I know you 're gonna pull through
And just in case it matters,
remember that I believe in you.

Maybe That's Why, Maybe That's Why
I love you...


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Nov. 2004
I'm Alive

I shiver when I remember
The things that I have seen
I know the light, I know the Night
I have walked with things unseen
I have been a king invincible
I've been the poorest of the poor
I've pulled the mighty from their thrones
And laughed at Death's own door

'Cause I'm alive, I'm alive
I'm alive, I'm alive

I roamed the world in search of life
Death followed in my wake
I searched for truth, I want the truth
And learned more than I could take
I've walked the roads of mystery
And it's aged me much too soon
I've paied the piper and I've paied him well
But he still calls the tune

I'm alive [4x]

I shiver when I remember
The shadow of the past
The lonely ways, the lonely days
When every breath might be my last
I lost my heart, I lost my soul
By every hand betrayed
But I've still got strength, I've still got life
And that will never change

'Cause I'm alive, I'm alive
I'm alive, I'm alive

I'm alive [5x]