Der große Träller und Lyric Thread

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W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
This is the greatest and best song in the world... Tribute.

Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here,
we was hitchhikin' down a long and lonesome road.
All of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon... in the middle... of the road.
And he said:
"Play the best song in the world, or I'll eat your soul." (soul)
Well me and Kyle, we looked at each other,
and we each said... "Okay."
And we played the first thing that came to our heads,
Just so happened to be,
The Best Song in the World, it was The Best Song in the World.

Look into my eyes and it's easy to see
One and one make two, two and one make three,
It was destiny.
Once every hundred-thousand years or so,
When the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow
And the grass doth grow...

Needless to say, the beast was stunned.
Whip-crack went his Whoopy tail,
And the beast was done.
He asked us: "(snort) Be you angels?"
And we said, "Nay. We are but men."
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah,
Ohhh, whoah, ah-whoah-oh!

This is not The Greatest Song in the World, no.
This is just a tribute.
Couldn't remember The Greatest Song in the World, no, no.
This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was the best muthafuckin' song the greatest song in the world.
[2-part skat]
And the peculiar thing is this my friends:
the song we sang on that fateful night it didn't actually sound
anything like this song.
This is just a tribute! You gotta believe it!
And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion.
Ah, fuck! Good God, God lovin',
So surprised to find you can't stop it.
All right! All right!


[Machine: ]
Why? Ooh...
Why? Why? I'll....
I'll die!
...I will die!

The Angel doesn't seem to feel sorry at all.

[The Angel: ]
Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
[Machine: ]
...lation, edit! Why, windows closed!
Quit, up to me!
File B!
[Choir: ]
Die! Die! Die! Die!
[Machine: ]
Uuh! Aah! Ooh!
Uuh! Aah! Ooh! lii, function closed
[The Angel: ]
Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
[Machine: ]
Aah! Uuh! Aah! Uuh!
Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!
Die! Die! Die! Die!
Hey, rise, rise, rise, close, quit...function? Die! Die!
Uuh! Aah! Uuh! Aah!
[John Doe: ]
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

The computer ceases to function.



W:O:A Metalgod
23 Aug. 2004
Mother watch your children
The iron fist of fear is ruling our lives
It's not too late to change the course
We can make this world a better place to be in
How much more do we want until we're satisfied?
What happens when we have what we want?
Acquiring more, still there's never enough
We forget those who really are in need
The end is near, or so they say
Selling peace with guns
Infinity - Where do we go from here?
Infinity - Where do we go from here?
Infinity - Where do we go?
Infinity - Where do we go from here?
Guns spitting (out the) message of peace everywhere
Is it really that we don't care?
See mercenaries of fear selling love
Telling salvation comes from above
Arrogance and fear walking hand in hand
We must see that there's much more to life than this
Mother see your children
Make us understand and help us to find the way
The answers lie inside
They are locked inside to the vault of truth for us It's time
to spread the word around
Be yourself and do what you want to do with your life
Remember, you get just what you give
You reap all what you sow
You are in charge of your own life Infinity...
You make your own way As long as you are here
Find your place in life
Make your dreams come true
There's so much more than this
A million ways to live
Unlock the door
To the universe with love
Free your soul


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Aug. 2008
HATE - Forever our motive
Feelings driven by rage
KILL - Is our intention
Steel caps marching from Hades

Trial by Power
Trial by Power

WARFARE - Pain and destruction
Rape, pillage and butcher
CARNAGE - Is our true motive
Tightening our grip on this world

Trial by Power
Trial by Power

CHAOS - A whirlwind barbaric
Devour the world to its core
SIN - We are sinners
Sinners WILL conquer this world

Trial by Power
Trial by Power

STRIKE - Delivered with full force
No mercy, an eye for an eye
CONQUER - The path of triumph
A scorching wrath from hell!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Nov. 2011
No me mires asi
Que no te hablo jamas
Y me gusta la soledad, soledad
No te quiero ver
Solo quieres seguirme
Con tus complejos de malas
Y te gusta Y no te vas
No me quieres ver
Y tu sique perdida , sabida, mi amiga
Y te fuistes pa'lla
Y persigue caida, cubrida
Destinos que no van a dar
Otra vez un sueño

Mi vida
Te faltan las pilas
Ponte las porque
Ponte las porque yo ya
Te quiero
Te amo
Me tomas los pelos
Ponte las porque
Ponte las porque yo lla me voy

No me mires asi
Que no te amo jamas
Y te gusta ser complicada, tan complicada
No te quiero hablar
Y dime
Que las palabras son nada
Y me gusta la soledad, soledad
No te quiero ver
Y tu sique perdida , sabida, mi amiga
Y te fuistes pa'lla
Y persigue caida, cubrida
Destinos que no van a dar
Otra vez un sueño

Mi vida
Te faltan las pilas
Pon telas porque
Pon telas porque yo ya
Te quiero
Te amo
Me tomas los pelos
Ponte las porque
Ponte las porque yo lla me voy

Now I'm disconnected
But the world is not so far
Here we are
Now I'm lost and senseless
And the world is torn apart

Mi vida
Te faltan las pilas
Ponte las porque
Ponte las porque yo ya
Te quiero
Te amo
Me tomas los pelos
Ponte las porque
Ponte las porque yo lla me voy
Querida, querida
Mi vida, mi vida
Ponte las por que yo lla me voy
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
"The Metal"

You can't kill the metal
The metal will live on
Punk-Rock tried to kill the metal
But they failed, as they were smite to the ground
New-wave tried to kill the metal
But they failed, as they were stricken down to the ground
Grunge tried to kill the metal Ha,hahahahaha
They failed, as they were thrown to the ground
Aargh! yeah! [x2]


No-one can destroy the metal
The metal will strike you down with a vicious blow
We are the vanquished foes of the metal
We tried to win for why we do not know

New-wave tried to destroy the metal, but the metal had its way
Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal, but metal was in the way
Punk-rock tried to destroy the metal, but metal was much too strong
Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrong

It comes from hell!


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
"Fuck Her Gently"

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don't always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that's not right to do
Sometimes you've got to make some love
And fucking give her some smoochies too
Sometimes ya got to squeeze
Sometimes you've got to say please
Sometime you've got to say hey
I'm gonna Fuck you softly
I'm gonna screw you gently
I'm gonna hump you sweetly
I'm gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute sally
I think I got somethin in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That's fucking teamwork
What's your fave posish?
That's cool with me
It's not my favorite
But I'll do it for you
What's your favorite dish?
I'm not gonna cook it
But I'll order it from Zanzibar
And then I'm gonna love you completely
And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly
And then I'll fucking bone you completely
But then I'm gonna fuck you hard


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Dez. 2008
the big M town
Da ich leider nicht weis, wo ich es sonst so posten soll:

Ein Philosophie-Professor stand vor seinem Kurs und hatte ein kleines Experiment vor sich aufgebaut: Ein sehr großes Marmeladenglas und drei geschlossene Kisten. Als der Unterricht begann, öffnete er die erste Kiste und holte daraus Gol
fbälle hervor, die er in das Marmeladenglas füllte. Er fragte die Studenten, ob das Glas voll sei. Sie bejahten es.

Als nächstes öffnete der Professor die zweite Kiste. Sie enthielt M&Ms. Diese schüttete er zu den Golfbällen in den Topf. Er bewegte den Topf sachte und die M&Ms rollten in die Leerräume zwischen den Golfbällen. Dann fragte er die Studenten wiederum, ob der Topf nun voll sei. Sie stimmten zu.

Daraufhin öffnete der Professor die dritte Kiste. Sie enthielt Sand. Diesen schüttete er ebenfalls in den Topf zu dem Golfball-M&M-Gemisch. Logischerweise füllte der Sand die verbliebenen Zwischenräume aus. Er fragte nun ein drittes Mal, ob der Topf nun voll sei. Die Studenten antworteten einstimmig "ja".

Der Professor holte zwei Dosen Bier unter dem Tisch hervor, öffnete diese und schüttete den ganzen Inhalt in den Topf und füllte somit den letzten Raum zwischen den Sandkörnern aus. Die Studenten lachten.

"Nun", sagte der Professor, als das Lachen nachließ, "ich möchte, dass Sie dieses Marmeladenglas als Ihr Leben ansehen.

Die Golfbälle sind die wichtigen Dinge in Ihrem Leben: Ihre Familie, Ihre Kinder, Ihre Gesundheit, Ihre Freunde, die bevorzugten, ja leidenschaftlichen Aspekte Ihres Lebens, welche, falls in Ihrem Leben alles verloren ginge und nur noch diese verbleiben würden, Ihr Leben trotzdem noch erfüllend wäre."

Er fuhr fort: "Die M&Ms symbolisieren die anderen Dinge im Leben wie Ihre Arbeit, ihr Haus, Ihr Auto. Der Sand ist alles andere, die Kleinigkeiten."

"Falls Sie den Sand zuerst in das Glas geben", schloss der Professor fort, "hat es weder Platz für die M&Ms noch für die Golfbälle. Dasselbe gilt für Ihr Leben. Wenn Sie all Ihre Zeit und Energie in Kleinigkeiten investieren, werden Sie nie Platz haben für die wichtigen Dinge. Achten Sie zuerst auf die Golfbälle, die Dinge, die wirklich wichtig sind. Setzen Sie Ihre Prioritäten. Der Rest ist nur Sand."

Einer der Studenten erhob die Hand und wollte wissen, was denn das Bier repräsentieren soll.

Der Professor schmunzelte: "Ich bin froh, dass Sie das fragen. Das zeigt ihnen, egal wie schwierig Ihr Leben auch sein mag, es ist immer noch Platz für ein oder zwei Bier."

Find ich ziemlich gut ^^


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
"Fuck Her Gently"

This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don't always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that's not right to do
Sometimes you've got to make some love
And fucking give her some smoochies too
Sometimes ya got to squeeze
Sometimes you've got to say please
Sometime you've got to say hey
I'm gonna Fuck you softly
I'm gonna screw you gently
I'm gonna hump you sweetly
I'm gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute sally
I think I got somethin in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That's fucking teamwork
What's your fave posish?
That's cool with me
It's not my favorite
But I'll do it for you
What's your favorite dish?
I'm not gonna cook it
But I'll order it from Zanzibar
And then I'm gonna love you completely
And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly
And then I'll fucking bone you completely
But then I'm gonna fuck you hard


W:O:A Metalgod
18 Sep. 2008
Woods of Ypres - By the time you read this ...

By the time you read this, I will already be dead
Do not reply to this, it is only to be read
By the time you read this, I will already have been killed
Do not reply to this, but notify my next of kin

Self administrate your estate,
Pick up the pieces and give them away
Let them take all the things they want and dispose of yourself

Photos and notes go into the sink
Under all the hot water the faucet could give
Now my dreams are just running ink
Going down the dream

By the time you read this, I will already be gone
Do not reply to this, but realize what you have done
By the time you read this, it will already be true
Do not reply to this, but realize what you made me do

Oh, oh

By the time you read this, I will have gone the way good men go
When they go bad, where they go bad
By the time you read this, I will have gone to the place where good men go
Where they go wrong, when they go wrong

By the time you read this, I will already have been changed
Do not reply to this, after I've experienced maximum pain
No longer good to anyone, and never would be again
Know that I spent my final days, endlessly tying the endless loose ends

One last look around the place, with sun shining into empty room
For the final time I close the door that will open for someone new

The only change I make before I leave, is in the bedroom of my dreams
Where I covered the walls in deep blue paint, rather than my blood and my brains

By the time you read this, I will already be dead
Do not reply to this, it is only to be read
By the time you read this, I will already be dead


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Moonspell - Versus

I am thinking vultures ripping the flesh,
Smashing the bone
I am thinking hailstones shot to the head,
Making the giant fall
I am hearing pipes, the pipes of Pan,
I know it’s wrong
I am hearing lies, the lies of man:
They’re written in the stars above!

So crawl back to your hole!
Wait for thy kingdom come
So crawl back to your hole!
Tonight no one will come

The fire can’t tame us
We’re not making peace
And haters can’t break us
We’re growing fierce

In the end of times, no prophecy just you and me
In the end of times, the thrill of the flight
I am here to take your life

I am thinking snake oil rubbed in the skin
Enter the poison!
I am thinking arrows stuck in the heart
All men are mortal
I am biting the apple, the rotten core
The worm wants more
I am healing the blind, the book of the dead
Be prepared to meet your end!


W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Juli 2010
ich schau in deine augen
und seh' nen fremden mann
ich riech an deiner Votze
und ich merks, es war jemand dran

und du sagst zu mir
es ist nichts an dem
das sagst du zu mir
ohne dich zu schäm'



W:O:A Metalgod
23 Aug. 2004
A recht a pfiffig's Bauernviech
hat nix wia d' Leut ausg'schmiert;
Oa Ausred nach der andern
hat er sich ausstudiert.
Er sagt, für insa Landwirtschaft
Taat er des Beste woll'n.
De kloana Bau'rn hab'n alle g'sagt:
"Den soll der Teife hol'n!"

Jetzt steht er vor der Höllentür,
Da hab'n de Teifen g'schrien:

"Bist aa do? Bist aa do?
Auf di wart man scho lang!
Ja, solche Breckal hamma gern,
des war a guata Fang!
Bist aa do? Bist aa do?
Glei kimmst a'n Rauchfang nauf!
Des gibt a saftig's Bauerng'selcht's,
da gfrei ma ins scho drauf!"

In Boarisch Riad is Volksfest gwe'n,
was da net alles war!
A Bierzelt und a Schiffschaukel,
eine Bullenschau sogar!
Als Schirmherr und als Festredner
kam ein bekannter Mann,
der stellt sich gleich zuvorderst dann
beim Bullenkäfig an.

Recht saudumm tuat er einistier'n;
da hat der Stier rausg'schrian:

"Bist aa do? Bist aa do?
Was machst denn Du im Frack?
I glaab, mia hab'n oan Vatern g'habt,
mia hab'n desselbe Gnack!
Bist aa do? Bist aa do?
Paß auf, mir fallt was ei:
I mach Ministerpräsident,
und du stellst di da rei!"

Der Postwirt von Altötting drunt
wollt gern was Höher's wer'n;
er war ein treuer Diener,
wiara Wasti zu sei'n Herrn.
Er denkt: "Wann Übergeb'n wird,
kannt I der Erbe sei!
Bevor an andra vor mir is,
kriach I Eam hinten nei!"

Und wiara durch die Öffnung kimmt,
hat der Stoiber glei o'g'stimmt:

"Bist aa do? Bist aa do?
I trau kaum meine Aug'n!
Jetzt schaug amal dei Letschen o,
du bist ja schon ganz braun!
Bist aa do? Bist aa do?
Jetz samma ja komplett:
Do hinten im Zwölffingerdarm
hockt der Rest vom Kabinett!"


W:O:A Metalgod
23 Aug. 2004
Ich will nicht mit Dir nach Italien fahren,
und nicht dem Sonnenuntergang zugucken.
Ich will nicht deine Eltern kennenlernen,
und auch nicht auf deine Katze aufpassen.
Mich interessiert nicht, wann Du geboren bist,
oder was deine Tante von Beruf ist.

Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.

Ich will nicht für dich da sein, wenn du krank bist,
dir den Schirm halten, wenn es in Strömen gießt.
Mich interessiert nicht die Musik die Du hörst.
Ich will nicht wissen welches Auto Du fährst.
Ich habe keine Lust mit Dir zu essen,
oder mich stundenlang zu unterhalten.

Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.

Für deine Scheiße,
kein Interesse.
Ach sei doch leise,
und halt die Fresse.

Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.
Ich will nur fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn fickn.

Knorkator sagen wie immer nichts als die Wahrheit :D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
One two three four
I don't wanna live no more

Well I've got no more reason to live
And I've got no more love to give
Tonight's the night
I'll paint the town red
I'll put another hole through my head

Unjustifiable existence
Unjustifiable existence
Unjustifiable existence

Now I feel the weight of a world on my back
I've seen the future
The future looks black
It's what I must do
I have no reservations
Ain't talkin’ 'bout self preservation

Unjustifiable existence
Unjustifiable existence
Unjustifiable existence

Crushing me
Crushing me
Crushing me
Crushing me

Yeah I feel something pulling me down
Forcing me between myself and the ground
Of all the nightmares that ever came true
I think that gravity (gravity-gravity) is you

Unjustifiable existence
Unjustifiable existence
Unjustifiable existence

Crushing me
Crushing me
Crushing me
Crushing me

I've got a problem
A problem with hate
I can't go on dragging this weight
A cold steel hand that won't let go
Acid-filled thoughts out of control

I built myself a nice little cage
With bars of anger and a lock of rage
I can't help asking Who's got the key?
When I know damned well it's me

No I ain't hinting for sympathy
I'm used to dealing with apathy
The scars on my wrists may seem like a crime
Just wish me better luck next time

So what if I died a thousand deaths
You think I'm insane but I have no regrets
One more time won't matter no question
Suicide is self expression