Der Depressive-und-Depressive-außer-Dienst-Thread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Dez. 2001
Original geschrieben von Nightmare
hi ihr, bin auch mal wieder da.... und mir gehts eigentlich ganz gut....

hab grad paar nette leute kennengelernt und die nacht durchgelabert ;)

nette leute?!?! wo?!?! :D

tapio.... ich danke dir :D

Ice Queen

W:O:A Metalhead
3 Juli 2003
Ich weiß, ich weiß, Kinder!!!! :D

Ich habe meinen Ex-Ex-freund dafür gehasst daß er er seine Gefühle für mich einfach verdrängt hat!!! Deshalb - weiß ich schon!

Aber son bisschen verdrängen muss sein :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Dez. 2001
Original geschrieben von Ice Queen
Ich weiß, ich weiß, Kinder!!!! :D

Ich habe meinen Ex-Ex-freund dafür gehasst daß er er seine Gefühle für mich einfach verdrängt hat!!! Deshalb - weiß ich schon!

Aber son bisschen verdrängen muss sein :)

stimmt schon.....


W:O:A Metalmaster
28 Dez. 2001
so, ich push jetzt mal :D

das was jetzt kommt hat'n freund von mir geschrieben..... irgendwie find ichs ganz passend....

8th Child - Complete Piece
We are the generation of the eigth child
Forsaken in the fields
We're longing to come home
To meet with your embrace
All we ask is that you love us, hold us, and except us
And not turn us back to the black from which we've came
You said we weren't worth it; you said we were too far gone
Said there was no hope left for us, so you just left us to die
But there amidst the ashes, we found the Saviour you said we couldn't
The one you said wouldn't love us unless we changed
But his love renewed all of our shattered spirits
He took the time to dry our tears; to bandage our bleeding wrists
He became our father, He taught us how to love
And he said you should know we love you, despite the fact you threw us
Now we are here and we want you to take us back
We want to have you if you would just give us a chance
Our hearts are crying
We forgave you long ago, but we still weren't good enough
You mistook our differences for some form of disrespect
You couldn't understand how for every time you turned us away...
Where did we find the strength to keep from simply fading out?
I'm sick of the pain, of the torment you've instilled
This vice keeps on tightening; it's like you want us killed
But we're not dying
The cycle must break, take it all away
We'll hold on to faith; we won't die again