Der 20.000er-Warrior-Thread

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W:O:A Metalgod
14 Juni 2002


W:O:A Metalgod
14 Juni 2002
und was ich schon lange mal sagen wollte ...


Drowned in the sea, some thousand years ago
we searched for ages for the place
but noone yet has found a way through the haze, no

Myths and legends wind 'round treasure there to find
a whole civilization died
and all they knew, it sunk with them in their grave

The scientists found out some theories about
an earthquake dragged it all away,
maybe this was meant in tales 'bout the flood...

The earth has changed its face and took our fruits away
We know, the people there were wise
was mankind's cradle lost before our time?

Mayday, mayday!
Mayday, mayday!
Without a trace Atlantis drowned into the sea
Without a trace Atlantis drowned into the sea

