Der 20.000er-Warrior-Thread

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W:O:A Metalgod
14 Juni 2002

Cries from the aisles
the tolling of the judgement bell
Eyes watched the violence
the absence of those who have
seen, marks the faith of the spell

Cold is the viper
stalking the night for the heat
It must find
Time is the promise
delivered with stunning consistency
line after line, time after time
the innocent victim awaits...

Please take my hand
Don't be afraid
I am your master
You are my slave

Voices are calling me back
Back to the day
Footsteps had followed
Me faster... listen


Screams from a new love
The passion was burning, it singed in a stare
Free under the night sun
The fear of the hunger will always be there in my mind, time after time
The morning will close a new page...

(Please take my hand) Voices are calling me back
(Don't be afraid) Back to the day
(I am your master) Footsteps had followed me faster
(You are my slave) Carry me, take me away!

(Please take my hand) Voices are calling me back
(Don't be afraid) Back to the day
(I am your master) Footsteps had followed me faster
(You are my slave) Listen...!

(Please take my hand) Follow the impulse you have
(Don't be afraid) I'll show you the way
(I am your master) Forget what you've learned in the past now
(You are my slave) Listen...!


Guter Geschmack lieber Kasi :D

... war geil damals in Langen als sie damit begonnen haben :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalgod

Screams from a new love
The passion was burning, it singed in a stare
Free under the night sun
The fear of the hunger will always be there in my mind, time after time
The morning will close a new page...

(Please take my hand) Voices are calling me back
(Don't be afraid) Back to the day
(I am your master) Footsteps had followed me faster
(You are my slave) Carry me, take me away!

(Please take my hand) Voices are calling me back
(Don't be afraid) Back to the day
(I am your master) Footsteps had followed me faster
(You are my slave) Listen...!

(Please take my hand) Follow the impulse you have
(Don't be afraid) I'll show you the way
(I am your master) Forget what you've learned in the past now
(You are my slave) Listen...!


Guter Geschmack lieber Kasi :D

... war geil damals in Langen als sie damit begonnen haben :D:D:D
Ich hab die auf der Tour im Vorprogramm von Bon Jovi(!!!) gesehen....:D