nochnichmal zerspammt wurde der
ich kann auch gern damit anfangen
Netfreak, with all the respect, you are one of the worst moderators I've ever seen. Both this thread and the other one about the hack where fianlly getting quiet, and you resurrect both of them with a useless post. That's no behaviour for a moderator.
SinnlosMy balls are so big!Unbelievable big!As you can see my balls are the biggest in history!
Netfreak, with all the respect, you are one of the worst moderators I've ever seen. Both this thread and the other one about the hack where fianlly getting quiet, and you resurrect both of them with a useless post. That's no behaviour for a moderator.
.. und schönen Gruss an deine Kumpels, die sich aufgrund deines HACKINGS angemeldet haben ... braucht hier KEINE SAU .. und TSCHÜSS
Beispielsweise Olaf....