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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Yesterday I went to see Amon Amarth and Impious in Prague. Impious kicked ass, death/thrash aint bad, its better than pure death metal. Their guitarist gave me some awsome swedish tobacco that you put under your lip. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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LEX schrieb:
There are a shit load of good shows coming up here. I LOVE IT! and most are at smaller than possible places. I hope that COB/ Fear Factory show rolls thrue here but no word yet. Type O canceled but tomorrow I'm gonna see Mortician, Akercocke, Necromis, Vehemence, The Chasm and some local bands and the show is FREE.....I love that! Especially since I have so many other tickets to buy.
The Unearth/BDM/Terror show on Monday was really good and even though they are obnoxiouse bastards I was also entertained by the kiddies in the "pit" doing their HC psycho ninja impressions all night....they make me laugh :D

They should go to Obscene extreme. Somebody would kick them into the head cause people are crowdsurfing all the time :D


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Juni 2004
Mpls. MN USA
Warthog schrieb:
haha, you know what's also fun? waiting for the little pencilneck metalcore kids to go into a full spinkick frenzy and then when they least expect it - BAM! - knock 'em to the floor! My friend Greg and I call it "mandatory poserslaughter." We're such assholes. :D
Nice! :p :D

Hammered: Those OE pix are great :p I might have to check that out sometime. Is that Schizzo in the pink bra? I have a picture of him (?) in that at the campground this year :) ssexy ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Hammered_gods schrieb:
Yesterday I went to see Amon Amarth and Impious in Prague. Impious kicked ass, death/thrash aint bad, its better than pure death metal. Their guitarist gave me some awsome swedish tobacco that you put under your lip. :D

Guess it was the Swedish "snus".

Most people find it really disgusting the first few times, even so lots and lots of stupid fucks over here still use it.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
gnoff schrieb:
Guess it was the Swedish "snus".

Most people find it really disgusting the first few times, even so lots and lots of stupid fucks over here still use it.

This one redneck guy I used to know would do chewing tobacco like that instead of smoking because, he said, "I can brush my teeth to clean them but you can't brush your lungs."

And I told my dentist this story, and she said, "Yeah, he'll have a real easy time saying that when cancer rots his entire lower jaw." :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Warthog schrieb:
This one redneck guy I used to know would do chewing tobacco like that instead of smoking because, he said, "I can brush my teeth to clean them but you can't brush your lungs."

And I told my dentist this story, and she said, "Yeah, he'll have a real easy time saying that when cancer rots his entire lower jaw." :)

yep :)

Only "problem" with "snus" is that they have never proved that you can get cancer from it.
But you can get problems with your gums so that your teeth fall out.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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Just got back from the Ministry show.It was very Anti-Bush.
A band called Hanzel Und Gretyl opened up the entire night.Very heavy & very good.
My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult was ok.They're a good band,BUT they didn't fit the bill.
Ministry started off with "No W".A guy comes on stage wearing a suit & a GW Bush mask.Saluting & waving to everybody.Al(the singer) jumped him from behind & beat the shit outta him.

During the song "NWO,he dedicated it to the "Last Cockroach Infestation Of The White House,Bush Sr."
Overall,a great show.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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LooseCannon schrieb:
Just got back from the Ministry show.It was very Anti-Bush.
A band called Hanzel Und Gretyl opened up the entire night.Very heavy & very good.
My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult was ok.They're a good band,BUT they didn't fit the bill.
Ministry started off with "No W".A guy comes on stage wearing a suit & a GW Bush mask.Saluting & waving to everybody.Al(the singer) jumped him from behind & beat the shit outta him.

During the song "NWO,he dedicated it to the "Last Cockroach Infestation Of The White House,Bush Sr."
Overall,a great show.

Yeah anti-Bush bands are cool, especially when they are from US. I know one good grind band with cool name(not american though George Bitch Jr. :D


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
things are looking up for me:

DUNGEON and DARK ORDER are playing a show together in 2 weeks. It will be Dungeon's < watch this name > album launch. Interested to hear how the new stuff will sound live and there are now 3 different members in the band compared to their last studio release. Live they seem to be taking a power/thrash combo sound lately.

DARK ORDER are old school thrash \m/

Finally after so much silence, VANISHING POINT have announced a show for December 11, but I'd have to fly for Melbourne and at the moment, I don't know if my purse strings will be able to handle the strain. I'm still suffering after this last European trip with my father :(

Plus after almost 10 years - a metal NYE gig/party with Dungeon headlining. YAY!


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
:D Australia's annual metal festival, Metal for the Brain, is happening 5 Feb. The night before will be the first annual Australian heavy metal music awards...this should be interesting.

Nightwish March 21, 22 & 23 so far :D