coming from NY. need help.

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W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
Having problems finding this info.
first time going to Wacken this coming summer (09). Ive been to Germany but just in the south passing through. Basically I just need to know a few things. Where do I fly to (international airport closet to Wacken) and whats the easiest way to get to the fest (i will not have my own car). will it cost alot?

other thing is after the fest, where can I hang out to kill time for a few days until i leave to Hungary? cool city close by with hostels?

oh and is there an opening day where you can get there early to camp? whats the earliest time you can start to arrive in fest grounds? Like is there a day zero or is it the first day?

If anyone wants to meet up, im all for it! thanks. from Jersey City.


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
It'll be sold out. Tickets have been on sale for a while now and according to the last update, over 50,000 have already been sold. That's without a main headliner announced yet!

oh thats just great. ok well i tried to access this Metaltix account but its all in German even when i hit the English button. I can probably figure out how to buy it seeing the credit card info, but Do they email you the ticket or mail to your house directly. This is confusing as hell.


8 Dez. 2008
seeing as you managed to register on this forum which is all in german you shuld have no problems navagating the metal tix site and buying a ticket (but be quick or there sell out)

they will email u a confermation of the ticket and then a delivery email saying its been shiped these emails will be in english well mine were if you need help add me to msn just pm me on here and ill give u my msn address

hope this helps see you at wacken keep it metal and dont see BFMV
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
ok i hope this helps and is clear...

1)ok go to the main page of the wacken site

2)chose the english site

3)click on the metal tix link on the left hand side and a window will pop up
now at the metaltix site look for "WOA - 3-Tages ALL-IN " link on the top 10 metaltix box left hand side

4)now just use it like a normal shop add the tickets (amount you want) to your shopping basket fill in your info just like you would on any ticket/shop site and your dun

*if you hasve troble filling in forms if there in german use a german to english converter such as babble fish

see you at wacken buddy keep it metal (and dont woch BFMV)

Ok. just 2 things: do the tickets come to your house or do they get emailed? and wtf is "woch BFMV"? :p


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
They arrive by mail. Give them a while though. They could take up to 6 weeks. It'll be one of the happiest days of your life. They usually come with a coupon to BurgerKing or something.

ooh ill order 15 just for Burgerking coupons! forget Wacken now!
no seriously, thats all i was worried about, cause other Euro fest tickets just come via email and i just print them out and show up with the printout and my passport. so thanks for letting me know it can take up to 6 weeks.

you have ordered from this site to LA before i take it? it doesnt ask for "state" name on the order form, i guess zip code will work!?


8 Dez. 2008
awesom hope you sort it out buddy as i say any problems my msn is on my profile or just add me anyway and were meet for drinks @ wacken


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Jan. 2008
Los Angeles
ooh ill order 15 just for Burgerking coupons! forget Wacken now!
no seriously, thats all i was worried about, cause other Euro fest tickets just come via email and i just print them out and show up with the printout and my passport. so thanks for letting me know it can take up to 6 weeks.

you have ordered from this site to LA before i take it? it doesnt ask for "state" name on the order form, i guess zip code will work!?

Yeah. The zip code is all they need. I suggest buying a Eurail pass if your planning on visiting neighboring countries. It'll be cheaper depending on how many countries you visit. If you don't have your passport get that shit now. Also, change your currency here. It's more expensive in Europe to trade currencies. Right now the dollar is steady against the Euro. The rates are decent right now. Bank of America will do it free.


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
Yeah. The zip code is all they need. I suggest buying a Eurail pass if your planning on visiting neighboring countries. It'll be cheaper depending on how many countries you visit. If you don't have your passport get that shit now. Also, change your currency here. It's more expensive in Europe to trade currencies. Right now the dollar is steady against the Euro. The rates are decent right now. Bank of America will do it free.
got a passport. good advice on the exchange. so do you just fly to hamburg then and stay somewhere for a few days prior? got any advice on where to stay and how to get to the fest the easiest or best way? since i dont speak a word in german.