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W:O:A Metalhead
6 Juli 2006
yup,you've added yourself on the list so you're in :D
but now we still got the big Q
when,where and how are we gonna find each other

i got quark's phonenumber and he got mine so...thats a start...
but still,what day,what time,which place


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
Monochrom, does that mean you are coming as well!

The more (beer) the merrier

Well, I am there. But, you know, we have got quite a tight schedule at Wacken - there is all this traditional stuff to to, like eating the pigs knee, making fun of Kotipelto, spotting the loony, dancing the idiotic dance for Mambo Kurt and searching for that welshman so he can finally finish his joke. Also, there might be bands. Also I am going to be completely drunk the whole time, because there are quite a lot of people coming to the forum camp that I don't wanna meet, or at least I want to forget immediately that I met them.

In general, I am the guy who's sitting next to the sailor. Can't miss me.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Zombi schrieb:
fuck no we won't.

Thursday 16:00, Entrance to that breakfast area (next to the fence of the beer garden)

the little corner there. I'll be the dishevelled, drinking guy with the hawaiien shirt and a kepi on.

I think I can recognize you by now, if I'm not too drunk I'll try and show up there as well.
Or just drag me along from the forum camp :p