W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by Lucretia
here´s a checklist copied from the German forum
And here's my translation (and a few comments)
bier = beer
wein = wine (that must have come from one of the ladies)
sekt = sparkling wine (that must have come form one of the ladies as well)
o-saft - OJ
gemüsesaft = vegetable juice (bleaagh)
campingstuhl = camping chair
dosenfutter = tinned food
dosenöffner! = tin opener (very useful for opening the previous item on the list)
taschenmesser = penknife (might double up as a tin-opener)
fotoapparat = camera
Batterien = batteries
geld = money
gummiboot = rubber dinghy (you what?)
isomatte = underlay
KARTE = map
luftmatratze = air mattress (that's for the wimps)
pflaster = plaster (who the fuck needs hose - there's a first aid tent)
regenschirm = umbrella (waste of time)
schlafsack = sleeping bag (why not share one with someone)
sonnencreme = sun tan lotion (guess Codo forgot that at the Rock Hard Festival )
t-shirt (aren't you wearing one anyway?)
zelt = tent (could keep you dry)
schminksachen = make-up articles (told you the list was written by a lady)
klopapier = loo roll (don't forget it)
grill = barbeque
grillkohle = briquettes for barbeque
anzünder = lighters
essen nach belieben = food as required
noch mehr Bier = more beer (yes, less wine please)
Whiskey (forget the beer)
gute laune = a cheerful spirit (more whiskey )
keiner Krankheit = no illnesses ( don't people wan't to share things around any more? )
noch mehr Bier (= even more beer (told you forget the beer - mor e whiskey )
Met = Mead
salz = salt (what the hell do you need salt for?)
fackeln = torches (the blazing kind )
taschenlampe = torch (the ones you put batteries in)
feuerzeuge = cigarette lighters
pappteller = paper plates (environmentally unsound )
sonnenbrille = sunglasses
Taschentücher = paper hankies
feuchte toillettentücher oder sowas, zur schnellreinigung = moist toilet paper or something similar for cleaning things up quickly
zwischendurch.. = in between..
Schlafsack = rucksack (who needs two?)
Stromgenerator = power generator
Anlage = music system
Stuhl =chair
Tisch = tables
Kondome: =condoms ( don't worry guys, the ladies are bringing them along)
Rote = red ones
Grüne = green ones
Schwarze = ´black ones
Mit Noppen = with knobbly bits
Mit Hahnenkamm = with a rooster comb
Keuschheitsgürtel = chastity belt (sod those)
Ghettoblaster mit abnehmbaren Boxen für Party auf'm Zeltplatz = gehttoblaster with removable speakers for the party on the camp site (Damn Germans - always have to be precise about these things)
Klappstuhl = folding chair
Klopapier = Loo roll
Taschenmesser = penknife
Taschenlampe = torch (the battery sort - again )
Klamotten = clothes (who needs those)
Grilltier = What the fuck
Starthilfekabel = jump leads
Pappteller = paper plates (what more )
Regenschutz = rain cover / tarpaulin (for the wimps again)
Socken = socks
Stiefel = boots
Handtuch = hand-towel
Gaskocher evtl. = camping stove maybe
ersatzheringe = replacement tent pegs (waste of time, since the spares won't be enough to cover the tent pegs that should have been on this list )
Gabel/Löffel = Forks/Spoons (no knives?)
Frühstück = breakfast
Haargummis = hairbands
Müllbeutel würd ich auch noch mitnehmen. = I'd always take a bin bag
Fahne (auch immer ganz wichtig) = Flag (also very important) (A Wacken flag is always best to help you stand out from the crowd )
Und Ohropax für die Nacht. = and ear plugs for the night
SENF = MUSTARD (someone doesn't know what brown sauce is, and they forget curry ketchup anyway)
So there you go folks - I reckon a beer (nah, forget beer, a JD) per translated line of anyone who reads this should see me through Wacken
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