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A Coming Curse

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Mai 2003
Leeds, England
Website besuchen
Spamperor (Emperor)
Blind Guardispam (Blind Guardian)
Children of Spamdom (Children of Bodom)
Downthespam (Downthesun)
Spamma Ray (Gamma Ray)
Gardinespam (Gardenian)
Inspamniom (Insomnium)
Twisted Spammer Dire (twisted tower die)
Spam of God (Lamb of God)
get this :D:D:D:D

SPAMidental decapitation through masturbation
acciSPAMtal decapitation through masturbation
accidenSPAM decapitation through masturbation
accidental SPAMcapitation through masturbation
accidental deSPAMitation through masturbation
accidental decapiSPAMtion through masturbation
accidental decapitaSPAM through masturbation
accidental decapitation SPAM masturbation
accidental decapitation through SPAMturbation
accidental decapitation through masSPAMbation
accidental decapitation through masturSPAMtion
accidental decapitation through masturbaSPAM

(accidental decapitation through masturbation)
