Capacity for 2009?

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W:O:A Metalhead
20 Aug. 2008
I guess there's always some hope though. I heard from one of the stall holders at Bloodstock who also worked at Wacken that they'd be doubling the size of the arena. And that Metallica and Rammstein would be playing.

This are only some rumours. Nobody has got any evidence till now but i don't think this will happen.


W:O:A Metalmaster
19 Nov. 2002
in the news they said that it will be like last year.. but it won't grow..
so there will be 75.000 people again i think^^

After Wacken 2002 (sold out with 30.000!!) they promissed, that the festival won't grow... and so did they in 2003 and 2004 and......
You can expect the next Wacken to be even more crowded, I guess 80.000+


W:O:A Metalhead
27 Aug. 2008

well, it seemed to be overcowded at nightwish and maiden gig mostly (as far as i noticed), and if they max the size of the area, it may get good. (hoping, that they won't get any all-known band, which catches people, who usually don't know metal, there. (i.e. Metallica, Rammstein, AC/DC) - I mean, those Bands are great but there are too many people, who normally listen to much other music and say "yeah! I listen to Rock and Metal - "AC/DC, Metallica and so...", but with and so they mean Mainstream Pop-Rock, Nu-Metal or even other shit, which doesn't belong to metal - and Wacken.

So let's hope the billing will be good and won't catch those people, which get there only for one band. (and instantly, the WOA would be less overcrowded.