Camping tickets @ spring 2025

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8 Jan. 2025
Prague, CZE
Dear metalheads, I and my friends rise our numbers and we want to improve our camping experience too... So we might arrive by cars and we consider some campings grounds.

Campground: Can you please help me how quickly is the regular campground full? Is it hard to achieve a nice place which is close to the festival area when you arrive at Tue or Wed? If you arrive so late, is it even possible to ride and camp in the far regions which may be full by Sun Mon metalheads?

Camper Park and Uwe Bauer Garten: What time will it be for sale? Spring 2025 means early or late spring? Is it regularly announced somehow in advance so you can prepare for buying spree? How fast are the tickets gone? Do you have some experiences with additional changes or re-sale?

Thank you very much for your kind advices - hace a nice new year and survive those 200 days left ;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Dear metalheads, I and my friends rise our numbers and we want to improve our camping experience too... So we might arrive by cars and we consider some campings grounds.

Campground: Can you please help me how quickly is the regular campground full? Is it hard to achieve a nice place which is close to the festival area when you arrive at Tue or Wed? If you arrive so late, is it even possible to ride and camp in the far regions which may be full by Sun Mon metalheads?
I'll try to answer as good as I can.

The normal campground is accessable for everyone with a valid ticket.
The camping will be filled by the stewards, who have NO logic system whatsoever! (or maybe for them it's logical, for us it isn't)
There'll always be a place to camp. Either with car, or without.
Camper Park and Uwe Bauer Garten: What time will it be for sale? Spring 2025 means early or late spring? Is it regularly announced somehow in advance so you can prepare for buying spree? How fast are the tickets gone? Do you have some experiences with additional changes or re-sale?

Thank you very much for your kind advices - hace a nice new year and survive those 200 days left ;)
All special camping places are fully booked.