I'm not close minded when it comes to music , but I don't think this is a good move . First , many metalhead despise BFMV , and I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Wacken visitor are in this case . So basicly what we have here is an announced flop for BFMV , if not a cargo of rotten tomatoes , many metalhead pissed because they see a band that they feel innapropriate for Wacken , and surely some fans of BFMV who will see their band booed of stage if not worse . Not a good way to open Wacken if you ask me . The only thing it will achieve is frustration from both side . Now maybe I'm wrong and BFMV will surprise us , but I really don't think so , seeing the various metal forum's reactions .
And for the record , I count myself as part of the metalhead who don't like BFMV , and I think Wacken should stay away from all the nowdays MTV metal . The only way for the festival to expande (if it need expanding) is to support the metal underground and semi underground , or it will loose his identity and become one of the many many festivals in Europe instead of the metal holy ground .