Bruce Dickinson

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Scream for me Wacken?

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    Stimmen: 8 72,7%
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18 Juli 2022
Do I need an introductory text?

Bruce Dickinson is launchin his next Album, the Mandrake Project, in January and is doing a much anticipated tour (in Europe) afterwards. He might be availiable at Wacken.

His solo careers spans five amazing albums, and Skunkworks, mostly hard rock, nwobhm, but also power, gothic or symphonic elements.



W:O:A Metalhead
11 Juli 2015
Rockharz (03.07.24)!
Zeltfestival Rhein Neckar : Im Rahmen des Festivals werden in einem Zeitraum von ca. 1 Monat unterschiedlichste Einzel-Konzerte nationaler und internationaler Topstars angeboten. (As part of the festival, a wide variety of individual concerts by national and international top stars are offered over a period of approximately 1 month.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
7 Aug. 2006
Is this exclusive festival Zeltfestival Rhein Neckar (24.06.24) or Rockharz (03.07.24)?

looks like dude is already playing two "exclusive" festivals according to his own website. So why not a third? Just sayin'

JUN 2024

Zeltfestival Rhein Neckar 2024​

u.a. mit Bruce Dickinson, The Cardigans

it´s no festival like wacken, or other ones, as 30 days would be great excessive. it´s just a combination of single concerts roofed under the name zeltfestival. :o
  • Wow
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