Broken noses' club :D

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W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by Shadowtear
I`ve broked my nose two times...

the first time was really bad... they had to operate me 2 1/2h to make my nose right again....
I had to wear a "gypsum" for nealry 3 weeks.. looked very funny :D

the second time was a working-accident... but ut wasn`t soooo bad

Rocco from Papidou'x (metal-pub in Düsseldorf - he does the music) broke his nose after falling down the stairs - he's getting it operated on tomorrow


W:O:A Metalhead
17 Juni 2003
Mpls. MN USA
Hey I'm in that club allready. Broke it close to 10 times. (pits, skiing, drunken rough housing and general clutzyness mostly to blame) It'll never be the same. I'm ready for some rhinoplasty pretty soon but beer helps.