Bringing water and...other liquids into the festival area

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1 Juli 2008
Ok, I read every thread linked in this post, and I also searched the forums, so I feel quite justified in asking this, even if it's been asked before:

Aside from the obvious things like weapons and video cameras, what other things are not allowed into the festival area? Can we bring in water? How big a container, and what kind? Are plastic bottles ok? I'm assuming it's not ok to bring in your own beer.



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Ok, I read every thread linked in this post, and I also searched the forums, so I feel quite justified in asking this, even if it's been asked before:

Aside from the obvious things like weapons and video cameras, what other things are not allowed into the festival area? Can we bring in water? How big a container, and what kind? Are plastic bottles ok? I'm assuming it's not ok to bring in your own beer.


FAQ (homepage)
But you can bring a tetra pack of water into the festival area.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Ok, I read every thread linked in this post, and I also searched the forums, so I feel quite justified in asking this, even if it's been asked before:

Aside from the obvious things like weapons and video cameras, what other things are not allowed into the festival area? Can we bring in water? How big a container, and what kind? Are plastic bottles ok? I'm assuming it's not ok to bring in your own beer.


Nice to see someone use that threrad ;)

You may not bring in ANY form of bottles, cans or containers in metal, plastic or glass what so ever.

Water in tetra packs is OK afaik, perhaps other liquids in tetra as well? Not sure.

If/when you buy an official WOA plastic cup/drinking beverage or a drinking horn, you may fill that up with whatever liquid you want (I think, I've never had a problem with it) and bring that in to the festival area.

So, it is OK to bring in your own beer, but only when you first pour it into a cup.
Not sure if they still have the 1 liter plastic cups, but that might be a good idea to get.

Oh yeah, you may not buy an empty cup, you must buy one with water/beer/whatever from a stand and keep the cup to get it refilled.


19 März 2008
Speaking of liquids, if you have sun lotion, watch they don't confiscate it at the gates. If you stick it in a ziplock it should be fine, or you can buy it in the arena (I think).

I'm Scottish, and we do need something to protect us from the bright shiny thing in the sky. We see it so rarely over here that we have skin like cave fish.


21 Sep. 2007
What about shampoo and stuff? No plastic bottles at all sounds a bit extreme!
And as for video cameras, the digital camera I was going to take has a video camera on it, will it get confiscated?
Are you allowed a big container thing to store water from a water point in for camping?
Is there a big list of stuff that's not allowed anywhere? Or just general useful rules in English or simple German anywhere? The FAQ on the website doesn't seem to say much
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Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
What about shampoo and stuff? No plastic bottles at all sounds a bit extreme!
And as for video cameras, the digital camera I was going to take has a video camera on it, will it get confiscated?
Are you allowed a big container thing to store water from a water point in for camping?
Is there a big list of stuff that's not allowed anywhere? Or just general useful rules in English or simple German anywhere? The FAQ on the website doesn't seem to say much

Ruth, from what I understand (though I haven't yet been to Wacken), there is a difference between what you can take into the festival area (where the bands play) and the camping area (where you put your tent).

You're allowed to bring all your necessary camping things to put in your tent, and leave them there. You just can't bring your shampoo to watch the bands :p

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Speaking of liquids, if you have sun lotion, watch they don't confiscate it at the gates. If you stick it in a ziplock it should be fine, or you can buy it in the arena (I think).

I'm Scottish, and we do need something to protect us from the bright shiny thing in the sky. We see it so rarely over here that we have skin like cave fish.

Haha, nice analogy! I knew that shiny thing bothered other people besides me :p

Cave fish, bah! You mean fine alabaster marble ;) (I have the same...)


21 Sep. 2007
Ruth, from what I understand (though I haven't yet been to Wacken), there is a difference between what you can take into the festival area (where the bands play) and the camping area (where you put your tent).

You're allowed to bring all your necessary camping things to put in your tent, and leave them there. You just can't bring your shampoo to watch the bands :p

Awww, but how will I shower in front of the stage now! (Thanks though, was getting a bit frantic, wet wipe sponge baths are no good for dirty hair)

Sun screen's going to be annoying though.. I'm so pale I glow in sunlight and blind people. Sorry I'm being thick here really I guess, but by stick it in a ziplock do you mean put the bottle in a ziplock, or squeeze the sun lotion into the ziplock?

Are digital cameras alright to bring does anyone know? They all have video cameras in now really. Though when I've been to other festivals it hasn't been a problem.

Doesn't matter actually, found an answer by looking properly
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Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Awww, but how will I shower in front of the stage now! (Thanks though, was getting a bit frantic, wet wipe sponge baths are no good for dirty hair)

Sun screen's going to be annoying though.. I'm so pale I glow in sunlight and blind people. Sorry I'm being thick here really I guess, but by stick it in a ziplock do you mean put the bottle in a ziplock, or squeeze the sun lotion into the ziplock?

Are digital cameras alright to bring does anyone know? They all have video cameras in now really. Though when I've been to other festivals it hasn't been a problem.

Doesn't matter actually, found an answer by looking properly

If you'd squeeze it directly into the ziplock, I think it would be okay. Sounds a bit weird, but I guess it would work. :D
If you put the whole bottle into it: no way, you could still throw the bottle at someone...

Normal digital cameras are allowed, even if they can be used to make videos as well. But no video cameras and no professional photo cameras!


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Awww, but how will I shower in front of the stage now! (Thanks though, was getting a bit frantic, wet wipe sponge baths are no good for dirty hair)

Sun screen's going to be annoying though.. I'm so pale I glow in sunlight and blind people. Sorry I'm being thick here really I guess, but by stick it in a ziplock do you mean put the bottle in a ziplock, or squeeze the sun lotion into the ziplock?

Are digital cameras alright to bring does anyone know? They all have video cameras in now really. Though when I've been to other festivals it hasn't been a problem.

Doesn't matter actually, found an answer by looking properly

I think I've brought in sun lotion several times, perhaps it's been OK since I carry so much stuff in my back pack they end up just lookin gfor beers and stuff :p

Cameras that are "non professional" are OK, how they judge that I don't know. But a regular smallish digital camera should be fine.