Bringing a stool to the concert area

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11 Juni 2019
Hi all!

I was wondering if anyone has any experiences with bringing a stool to the concerts, primarily in regards to the awesome security people, who might not like them because of the aluminum.
I just registered, so I can't post links, but I'm thinking of one such as the 'Grand Canyon Alu 3-leg stool - aluminium, foldaway'

The reason I want to bring this, is that I'm flat feet and can't stand for even an hour before it hurts. Sitting on the ground isn't always so nice and naturally you can't see a thing then :)
11 Juni 2019
Thanks for replying, both of you! And too bad about the stool ban, although it doesn't surprise me. I could give an e-mail a go, although it's hard to argue that it's a handicap when I can walk and stand just find, just not for too long at a time. It's not like I need a wheelchair.

I remember having seen those cardboard ones from before. Might work as well, so I can only hope they're still available this year. :)

Thanks, and see you around!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Thanks for replying, both of you! And too bad about the stool ban, although it doesn't surprise me. I could give an e-mail a go, although it's hard to argue that it's a handicap when I can walk and stand just find, just not for too long at a time. It's not like I need a wheelchair.

I remember having seen those cardboard ones from before. Might work as well, so I can only hope they're still available this year. :)

Thanks, and see you around!
As in my own experience, I know what it is, to suffer from back problems. Nonetheless, a solution can always be found, one way or another.