leute lasst doch mal die bands hier weg die eh nicht kommen.....blind guardian geht erst 2014 weider auf tour!
kann man auf ihrer HP nachgucken!
Well, we have started working on four songs and already were able to finish two songs musically. The working titles are 'Encrypted Time' (I think this title is inspired by André’s passion for World of Warcraft or so – I can only guess…) and 'The Ocean' (here, André has been inspired by my undefined mumbling in the song). 'Encrypted Time' is a modern speed metal song with some tribal aspects and some 70's inspirations, while 'The Ocean' is a very progressive (this time I talk about ELP meets Savatage art rock when I say progressive) orchestra dominated song which will give you a further glimpse of what to expect from the orchestral album.
The other four songs seem to turn out very special and obviously very different. Working titles: 'The Irish Hill,' 'Prophecies,' 'Soundtrack 2,' and 'Midtempo Song.' I cannot tell you exactly about how many times we have had a song over the years which was first called 'Midtempo Song.'
Out of those tracks 'Prophecies' is the one which is developed the most. It is almost straight forward, has a very strong pre and main chorus and offers some Queensrÿchish prog (this time I do mean Queensrÿche when I say prog) elements in combination with some Blind Guardian fantasy metal. A nice one.
I say that in the first days of January… Apart from the music and the concept we will also work on some additional surprises. Keep yourself prepared. One thing is for sure there will be nothing comparable to this on the market. It’s not a typical soundtrack, a typical musical, nor it is a rock opera. It is typical Blind Guardian – more or less without band. At that point, I would say this is going to stay unique until we will release part 2. The good thing: we already have some material for it and another 15-17 years before it has to be released. Chinese Democracy was yesterday.
Hier hab ich mal ein aktuelles Statement / Interview / Monolog von und mit Hansi Kürsch rausgekramt. Sehr interessant:
Gefunden bei metaltalk.net
Hansi spricht über 2013 und 2014 und kommende Alben. Bis Ende 2014 sollen sowohl ein reguläres Album, als auch das lang erwartete Orchester- / Opernalbum erscheinen.
Prog-Fans (ich meine besonders eine hier) dürfte folgende Ausführungen des Sängers freuen:
Der Closer am Ende ist auch mal wieder göttlich:
MetallKopp Hier hab ich mal ein aktuelles Statement / Interview / Monolog von und mit Hansi Kürsch rausgekramt. Sehr interessant:
Gefunden bei metaltalk.net
Hansi spricht über 2013 und 2014 und kommende Alben. Bis Ende 2014 sollen sowohl ein reguläres Album, als auch das lang erwartete Orchester- / Opernalbum erscheinen.
Prog-Fans (ich meine besonders eine hier) dürfte folgende Ausführungen des Sängers freuen:
Well, we have started working on four songs and already were able to finish two songs musically. The working titles are 'Encrypted Time' (I think this title is inspired by André’s passion for World of Warcraft or so – I can only guess…) and 'The Ocean' (here, André has been inspired by my undefined mumbling in the song). 'Encrypted Time' is a modern speed metal song with some tribal aspects and some 70's inspirations, while 'The Ocean' is a very progressive (this time I talk about ELP meets Savatage art rock when I say progressive) orchestra dominated song which will give you a further glimpse of what to expect from the orchestral album.
The other four songs seem to turn out very special and obviously very different. Working titles: 'The Irish Hill,' 'Prophecies,' 'Soundtrack 2,' and 'Midtempo Song.' I cannot tell you exactly about how many times we have had a song over the years which was first called 'Midtempo Song.'
Out of those tracks 'Prophecies' is the one which is developed the most. It is almost straight forward, has a very strong pre and main chorus and offers some Queensrÿchish prog (this time I do mean Queensrÿche when I say prog) elements in combination with some Blind Guardian fantasy metal. A nice one.
[...] aber so ein kommerziellen dreck wie ramstein braucht auch keiner
Ja! ich weiß! Erst 2014...aber man darf doch wohl noch hoffen! Ich werde mich erst drüber beschweren wenn Wacken vorbei ist und ich nichts von Kürsch und Co. gehört oder gesehen habe!![]()