Big PARTY in HAMBURG the 24.+25.10.!!!

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Originally posted by dittohead
ill bring some wodka anyway :D:D

Great :)

So, our list is almost ready ;)

50 boxes Pils (3 kind)
10 boxes dark
10 boxes Bavarian beer
5 boxes mixery beer
5 boxes alcoholfree
24 bottles Vodka
18 bottles Sekt
24 bottles White wine
12 bottles red wine

and nonalcoholic and food and breakfast and more....

If we need more, beer is delivered and we´ll find a way to get other stuff :D:D:D



W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Great :)

So, our list is almost ready ;)

50 boxes Pils (3 kind)
10 boxes dark
10 boxes Bavarian beer
5 boxes mixery beer
5 boxes alcoholfree
24 bottles Vodka
18 bottles Sekt
24 bottles White wine
12 bottles red wine

and nonalcoholic and food and breakfast and more....

If we need more, beer is delivered and we´ll find a way to get other stuff :D:D:D



Fucking hell this is gonna be amazing :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Jeeeezzz sunday travelling back will be fucked for me specially seeing as i have to get ryanair coach at 12.05p.m and this time i refuse to get FUCKING STRANDED!!!!!!!



W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Great :)

So, our list is almost ready ;)

50 boxes Pils (3 kind)
10 boxes dark
10 boxes Bavarian beer
5 boxes mixery beer
5 boxes alcoholfree
24 bottles Vodka
18 bottles Sekt
24 bottles White wine
12 bottles red wine

and nonalcoholic and food and breakfast and more....

If we need more, beer is delivered and we´ll find a way to get other stuff :D:D:D



I'm REALLY Impressed!!!!!!

Sounds like a good party indeed

My little contribution will be just one bottle of mezcal...

I would like to make a bigger contribution, anyone knows if I can take more bottles, even if I have to pay taxes???


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf

Fucking hell this is gonna be amazing :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Jeeeezzz sunday travelling back will be fucked for me specially seeing as i have to get ryanair coach at 12.05p.m and this time i refuse to get FUCKING STRANDED!!!!!!!


i fly back monday afternoon.....try get stranded til then :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by dittohead
i fly back monday afternoon.....try get stranded til then :D

No!!! no fucking chance this time i wont be able to ring work and it will be even more embaressing for me!!!!! plus i have to work monday so no fucking way!!!!

Sunday morn at about 10.30 ill probs be gone or 10.00 i think just so i leave myself enough time to get back :p