Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
Yes, once paid - rest free
Originally posted by dittohead
ill bring some wodka anyway
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
So, our list is almost ready
50 boxes Pils (3 kind)
10 boxes dark
10 boxes Bavarian beer
5 boxes mixery beer
5 boxes alcoholfree
24 bottles Vodka
18 bottles Sekt
24 bottles White wine
12 bottles red wine
and nonalcoholic and food and breakfast and more....
If we need more, beer is delivered and we´ll find a way to get other stuff
Originally posted by dittohead
ill bring at least 5 bottles of cheap wodka
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
So, our list is almost ready
50 boxes Pils (3 kind)
10 boxes dark
10 boxes Bavarian beer
5 boxes mixery beer
5 boxes alcoholfree
24 bottles Vodka
18 bottles Sekt
24 bottles White wine
12 bottles red wine
and nonalcoholic and food and breakfast and more....
If we need more, beer is delivered and we´ll find a way to get other stuff
Originally posted by ShizzoKrause
No problem
@Wolfi: Yeah, that party gonna be real fun
Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
Fucking hell this is gonna be amazing
Jeeeezzz sunday travelling back will be fucked for me specially seeing as i have to get ryanair coach at 12.05p.m and this time i refuse to get FUCKING STRANDED!!!!!!!
Originally posted by dittohead
i fly back monday afternoon.....try get stranded til then
Originally posted by Carpathian_Wolf
Naw i cant miss plane back no matter what
Im sure ill wake up i usually do
Originally posted by Rosk
It would be good if you ask someone else to help you waking up, just to be safe .