Band application?

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Hello everyone!

I didn't know where to open this topic, but I would be gratefull if anyone could help me with my problem.

I wish to know what do I have to do to apply my band for W:O:A 2009? Is there an application form for this festival or something like that? Also I need to know if demo bands are included in this festival(since I wish to apply a demo band)? If they aren't, is there a demo bands festival nearby on which I could apply my band?

I would be really greatfull if anyone could help me on this.

Thanks in advance!


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Sep. 2004
So... This was probably an insult based also on my nationality... Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems a bit racist to me. Shouldn't the moderators be doing something about this?

Cute! :D
1. They weren't insulting anybody, they just babbled nonsense which is quite common in this forum.

ChthoniC mentioned that it may not have been a good idea to send you a dutch link because you probably wouldn't understand and Toffi Fee...well...babbled nonsense.

2. Our mods are only for deleting spam and ads and such things. So as for the users, there aren't any mods.

3. Keep cool! :cool:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Cute! :D
1. They weren't insulting anybody, they just babbled nonsense which is quite common in this forum.
Insults are not tolerated here. We've seen that before. So don't you worry!
ChthoniC mentioned that it may not have been a good idea to send you a dutch link because you probably wouldn't understand and Toffi Fee...well...babbled nonsense.
Na, it was the BEST idea I could ever think of! :p

And btw, I didn't understand Toffi either. But that's not new! :D
2. Our mods are only for deleting spam and ads and such things. So as for the users, there aren't any mods.
And not more than that!

Sorry guys. The only one in my family speaking German is my brother so my "translator":D is not available. That:"you don't want to know" post confused me a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience.:D

P.S. - If anyone hears something about more demo bands festivals there in Germany, open a topic on the forum. It would be nice for all the demo bands to get a chance to play somewhere.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sorry guys. The only one in my family speaking German is my brother so my "translator":D is not available. That:"you don't want to know" post confused me a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience.:D

P.S. - If anyone hears something about more demo bands festivals there in Germany, open a topic on the forum. It would be nice for all the demo bands to get a chance to play somewhere.

Just a small tip. Check and look for the festival list. I don't know ifi it is really up to date, but for German festivals there is almost always a link mentioned. If you click on that link, you might be able to find where to send your applications.