Any Australians making the trip over this year?

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Aussie Odin

29 Juni 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Kamping at Wacken - The Soft Option

Yeah - this year we're going to be soft bastards in the Wacken Camp site - we're camping in the area with electricity, water and extra dunnies for a small fee.

Couldn't really give a rat's arse about the water coz we reckon that washing is verboten anyway (it's not the metal way to be clean) and who in their right mind uses water for drinking - that's what Bergadler Premium Pils is for!!

The electricity will be grouse - no dead mobile phones and plenty of power for playing our metal!!! (No dead car batteries in the camper van...) We're sharing the camp site with some crazy Danes so hopefully they'll bring some monster speakers that can be seen and heard from outer space (and which we can use to play true metal in case our neighbors want to play that weird hummppa metal like we copped last time)

Having dunnies will be OK although last time we found the pay dunnies fine, except for the long queues when you were busting to drop a monster log...

And the dunnies will be a lot better than the freebie dunnies - at my first Wacken I had a shit in a freebie dunny on Day 1, at which point the mound of turd was almost at seat level and only got higher from there. I just ate eggs, cheese and meat for the next 4 days to bind myself up, clenched my arse cheeks and hung on till we got back to Hamburg!!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I'm hoping they will help me make some here in Australia. I have a few recipes but I'm trying to match the light wine style they have. So far the recipes I've found are more honey liquor than the mead that can be drunk in large quantities like beer

You can take a "strong recepie" and before fermentation just dilute it with good quality still water, I just use tap water, depends on where you live.
Worst case buy bottled water of a good quailty, with no preservatives and no added flavor, add that.

Basically bring down the fermentable sugars to a level where it just can't get stronger ABV in the end than you wish for.

I can help you out via FB/mail with questions on how to do it.

Make sure you have a hydrometer for measuring density though, they work OK with honey water mix, the refractometer does not.

Very very very basic:
Use good quality water, heat it up, add honey, heat some more, remove the foam. Bring to boil if you wish, but watch it since it easily boils over.
Chill to temperature of calibration for hydrometer.
Measure density.
Dilute with water to get the density you require.
Possibly chill to desired yeast/fermentation temperature.
Aerate (very important) and then add yeast.
Put on air lock, place in fermentation temperature out of UV light.
Wait until bubbles cease.
Use siphon to put in new vessel.
Wait a week or so.
Use siphon to new vessel to get rid of bottom sludge.
Use siphon from vessel into bottles.
Wait 6 months to 10 years.
Drink and be happy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Also, don't take to easy on the fact that everything needs to be very clean, you want your selected yeast to do the work, not the wild yeast or bacteria from your surroundings.

I clean all my equipment that will be used for any activity after boiling with regular hand wash. Then I sanitize with chlorine, and rinse well after.

Bottles get sanitized in the oven after regular cleaning, 30 minutes after the owen has gotten to 130 degrees C does the trick well.

Most ppl that make undrinkable or just horrible beer or mead take too light on the fact that infections brings down all your hard work.

Sorry to steal two posts of the aussie thread, I'll quit talking brewing now ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Hei AO, I know what you mean about having the basic luxuries at Wacken...I always wanted to take a campervan :D
It was funny how the guy's lines were always longer than the girl's for the paid toilets!

TOO HARD for a beginner :D

Aussie Odin

29 Juni 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Blokes are more civilised


Of course the line for the blokes' dunnies at Wacken was longer than the ladies'.

After all, we blokes would be doing the right thing and having a slash only in the toilets and not just anywhere at Wacken (not on trees, not against tents, not all over signs, not through plastic fences, not next to those very convenient earthen embankments that divide the fields, not on some bloke's foot, not all over a truck, not next to the giant light towers that would otherwise make it very handy for being able to see where you were pissing when it was dark, not onto a sleeping viking, not into a shoe found in the mud in front of the True Metal Stage and then drinking it out of the shoe, and certainly not just spraying all over some grass out in the open and creating a huge swamp of piss-flavoured mud). We'd NEVER think of being so uncouth!!

Of course, with the ladies it must be different.


7 Feb. 2010
I'll ne going with 3 mates. I'm from Melbourne and they are from Canberra. Going to HBO too. First time for both.:D

Yeah - this year we're going to be soft bastards in the Wacken Camp site - we're camping in the area with electricity, water and extra dunnies for a small fee.

Just wondering, what's the area for the camping site with water, dunnies, ect? We want to camp in that bit too but I'm confused about that. Do you have to book that bit or just show up?

Aussie Odin

29 Juni 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Metal Mills,

I think you have to book in advance - there must be something on the Wacken website about it. Not sure what the process is as one of my fellow-travellers arranged the booking.

The soft-arse area we're staying in is right on the outskirts of the campsite so it's a bloody long way away (about 2km) from the actual stages but the healthy walk will offset the 3,000 litres of beer.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'll ne going with 3 mates. I'm from Melbourne and they are from Canberra. Going to HBO too. First time for both.:D

Just wondering, what's the area for the camping site with water, dunnies, ect? We want to camp in that bit too but I'm confused about that. Do you have to book that bit or just show up?

I think it's the Camp area Y.
It's created for campers/mobile homes etc.


31 Okt. 2008
yep , me and a few mates are attending (victorians) . no doubt ,if youse have a flag up , youll get a visit, at some point.... :)


W:O:A Metalhead
Metal Soccer Championship

Hello everybody, hope you are all fine.

My name is Fabian , I'm from Germany.

Yesterday Flavio from Argentinia had a awesome idea:

A match between german metalers and argentinian metalers.

But while school i had an even more awesome idea:


A championship of country choices from where ever you come.

Your are from another country then Germany or Argentinia?

You needs Heavy Metal, Alcohol AND football?

Then find 5 friends, create a national team and write me :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Metal Soccer Championship

Hello everybody, hope you are all fine.

My name is Fabian , I'm from Germany.

Yesterday Flavio from Argentinia had a awesome idea:

A match between german metalers and argentinian metalers.

But while school i had an even more awesome idea:


A championship of country choices from where ever you come.

Your are from another country then Germany or Argentinia?

You needs Heavy Metal, Alcohol AND football?

Then find 5 friends, create a national team and write me :)

Ey! Dat is ja ein bissl ÜBERTRIEBEN!!! :mad:


W:O:A Metalhead
Übertrieben? This IS NOT!!!!


Wie soll ich sonst 5 Nicht-Deutsche fragen ob sie bock auf Fußball haben?

Und erzähl mir nicht, du fieberst bei der WM nicht mit :mad:

Übertrieben ist die neue Krankenkassenregelung :mad:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Wie soll ich sonst 5 Nicht-Deutsche fragen ob sie bock auf Fußball haben?

Und erzähl mir nicht, du fieberst bei der WM nicht mit :mad:

Übertrieben ist die neue Krankenkassenregelung :mad:

Der Thread hätte gereicht.
Und nee, ich feier tatsächlich nicht mit mitm scheiss KUT-Fussball. Auch nicht wenn wir WM werden.
Kannst du ruhig rumfragen, die Leute (hier im internationalen) werden das dir alle bestätigen können. :p

Nee, wat ich sagen wollte, der Thread war genug. die überige 2 Postings waren übertrieben.