Anti-USA feelings?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Metalsulm
O yeah:( I´ve seen that on TV (kinda independent TV)

From an american Point of View it´s been GW1, But to me it´s been GW2, because the Iranian-Iraqi War was the first one;)

I got a Collegue from Iran, he fought against the Iraqis

Even *I* remember the Iran-Iraq War, though I was very young. Which is why I thought it was strange that the US was fighting Iraq during Gulf War 1 because I thought the US govt was supporting Iraq against Iran, haha.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Mai 2002
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Originally posted by Warthog
Even *I* remember the Iran-Iraq War, though I was very young. Which is why I thought it was strange that the US was fighting Iraq during Gulf War 1 because I thought the US govt was supporting Iraq against Iran, haha.

Strange Things collegue once said, that he could imagine that Saddam is only an american actor, crazy, i´m just remembering that:rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
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Originally posted by Warthog
I wouldn't be surprised. THat's what they've been saying about all the Bin Laden videos that have been surfacing.

Don't believe that, cause the US have, during the last weeks, actually found some of the Al-Quaida terrorists, All were found in NW-Pakistan, in the Pakistani states labelled "Tribal Regions" (You can just about imagine what these regions are like if you think of the name), adjacent to Afghanistan. So I say they exist and you can find them - they will all be in the undeveloped border regions of Afghanistan/Pakistan. So I think that they will actually find Osama bin Asshole in the next year. It is a rough country, virtually unknown by foreigners - but they keep finding them there.


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Thank you Sulm, I hope so too :(

I just got an email from my friend Mac, who's now in California, and will be sent to Bahrain in two weeks. He was only a few months away from turning 30, when he wouldn't be called up to service anymore. Needless to say, he's a bit nervous right now. Fuck, I hope he makes it okay...

oh well, I'm hoping this war doesn't get any bigger. If they have to start up the draft again, I'm in BIG trouble. :mad:

@mono - oh, I'm sure they'll be able to find Bin Laden fairly soon, dead or alive. Of course, that won't be the end of the story, because the end of Osama won't be the end of Islamist extremism, not by a long shot.