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18 Sep. 2008
Yo, n00b here. Been lurking for quite a while, though in need of some information, so thought I'd finally sign up.

Basically, we had great fun at Wacken 08, and our group are planning on attending 09 again. This year though we are planning on visiting Amsterdam for a 3 days afterwards. Anyone with any information on the journey to do this, would be really useful.

I'm guessing there is some sort of train from ZOB to Amsterdam Cetraal station? Though this is guess work. I need to know when/how much this train would be.

The other issue is flights. We're planning on flying outbound from Standsted on the 29th to Lúbeck. But does that mean we'd have to do the return flight from here too? Or are there any cheap flights back from Amsterdam itself?



W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Yo, n00b here. Been lurking for quite a while, though in need of some information, so thought I'd finally sign up.

Basically, we had great fun at Wacken 08, and our group are planning on attending 09 again. This year though we are planning on visiting Amsterdam for a 3 days afterwards. Anyone with any information on the journey to do this, would be really useful.

I'm guessing there is some sort of train from ZOB to Amsterdam Cetraal station? Though this is guess work. I need to know when/how much this train would be.

The other issue is flights. We're planning on flying outbound from Standsted on the 29th to Lúbeck. But does that mean we'd have to do the return flight from here too? Or are there any cheap flights back from Amsterdam itself?


best thing is to take a train to osnabruck and from there a train to amsterdam
the earlier you buy a ticket the cheaper it will be.
it's about an 8 hour travel.

if you have a return flight you probably need to go back to lubeck...
else you can fly from amsterdam to london for 99 euro orso...
or take a train again, and this also means the earlier the cheaper


18 Sep. 2008
best thing is to take a train to osnabruck and from there a train to amsterdam
the earlier you buy a ticket the cheaper it will be.
it's about an 8 hour travel.

if you have a return flight you probably need to go back to lubeck...
else you can fly from amsterdam to london for 99 euro orso...
or take a train again, and this also means the earlier the cheaper

Right cheers, Onsabruck. Can this trip only be with a stop off here? And where would I go about ordering these tickets, I couldn't find anything for the ZOB website? :confused:


18 Sep. 2008
Right, now we're looking at the possibility of trying to drive it :eek:

We'll get the ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland, then drive down to Wacken. When Wacken's over, drive back up to Amsterdam, then get the ferry back from the Hook.

Best route? Any other ideas?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Right, now we're looking at the possibility of trying to drive it :eek:

We'll get the ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland, then drive down to Wacken. When Wacken's over, drive back up to Amsterdam, then get the ferry back from the Hook.

Best route? Any other ideas?

The right side of the road is advised :D

Hoek van Holland - Rotterdam - Utrecht - Apeldoorn - Osnabrück - Hamburg - Wacken.


21 Jan. 2007
Right, now we're looking at the possibility of trying to drive it :eek:

We'll get the ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland, then drive down to Wacken. When Wacken's over, drive back up to Amsterdam, then get the ferry back from the Hook.

Best route? Any other ideas?

I've done the drive before, coming from Stoke and am doing the same for 2009 too. Harwich-HoH is defintiely the best route if you've just got one driver as the ferry gives you a few hours of shut-eye. The drive's actually quite easy as drivers on the continent tend to be a lot less dumb than ours so you can relax a little behind the wheel when you're on the open road

Be aware that if it's been raining earlier in the week, you could be in for a BIG traffic jam after Hamburg. We're talking a couple of miles in 13 hours (2007 :mad:).

I recommend taking the E22 on the way from WOA to Amsterdam - you get to drive over this really strange and HUGE bridge sort of thing. It's also a nice quiet road with an immaculate surface

If you're going by GPS (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!) and it shows you your current speed, switch it from miles to KM before you hit Holland - much easier to read that than try to guess what the faint writing on your dash says :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
I've done the drive before, coming from Stoke and am doing the same for 2009 too. Harwich-HoH is defintiely the best route if you've just got one driver as the ferry gives you a few hours of shut-eye. The drive's actually quite easy as drivers on the continent tend to be a lot less dumb than ours so you can relax a little behind the wheel when you're on the open road

Be aware that if it's been raining earlier in the week, you could be in for a BIG traffic jam after Hamburg. We're talking a couple of miles in 13 hours (2007 :mad:).

I recommend taking the E22 on the way from WOA to Amsterdam - you get to drive over this really strange and HUGE bridge sort of thing. It's also a nice quiet road with an immaculate surface

If you're going by GPS (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!) and it shows you your current speed, switch it from miles to KM before you hit Holland - much easier to read that than try to guess what the faint writing on your dash says :D

from HoH to Osnabruck by car
from HoH find your way to the high way A20, follow that to the A12, go from Gouda(A12) to Utrecht. Go from Utrecht via the A27 to the A28 to Amersfoort. Go from Amersfoort at Amersfoort North to the A1 in the direction of Apeldoorn, and follow that to Osnabruck :D