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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
I really don't like goth dreses.How could I jump to the crowd in stuff like this? :D I am not elegant,no way :DBut maybe corsets are sooo pretty.I am more into leather or latex things,they are more practic,but I can't wear on concerts nothing that I really like cause I don't go to the concerts like on mode show,I am going there go fucking crazy,and I usually destroy some my clothes.So I don't wear expensive things :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
Too bad, I love gothic clothes, latex and leather
I love dark clothes and so...

I dress up for concerts, well, I dress up for school too...

Hammered: I guess you can't dress up like that, You are too jumpy or what I shall say..

Destroying clothes on concerts isn't good

*have whole clothes* :D