age limit for wacken (minors)

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Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
Iscariot schrieb:
Jugendschutz Ab/bis 16 Jahre: gemäß dem neuen Jugendschutzgesetz könnt ihr, wenn ihr noch keine 16 Jahre alt seid, mit einer Begleitperson eurer Wahl zum WOA kommen, benötigt aber die Einverständnis eurer Eltern.

Well, I see there must be a new law in germany or something...(tsss, stupid Germans, first a 'pfand' on cans, now this...what's next?:))but anyway, that is when you're (younger than) 16 so there is still no problem:)
no, that's not a new law.....quite old, actually

and yeah, this is a quote from the new "festival abc" - and it says that there is no restriction for those between 16 and 18, only for those under 16 who have to bring an adult. So everything should be OK for all those 17 year old guys who are popping up at the moment...