my last comment on this subject!!!
Once again i will appolagise to anyone , most of all thordis v for any offence caused,as i said in last post it was an off the cuff remark not said with any intent to upset anyone,im not going to start arguments on this forum as i have better things to do.
as for the private message thordis, no i will not reply in the same way as i have nothing to feel guilty about, my comment was not an unfriendly one i thought you would see the funny side (i was wrong)i dont think you should stop posting messages on this forum as you have a lot of very good points to make, im sorry if others have commented on your amount of posts, but im not others so dont tar me with the same brush(a scottish saying)
im not going to post anymore comments on this matter as i appolagised already only to fall on death ears(another saying)
so i hope this clears up any ill feeling,as i said earlier it is not in my intrest to upset or offend anyone.
thankyou for reading this.